A nationwide survey conducted back in 2019 revealed that most dog owners—98 percent, to be exact—consider their pooches to be full-fledged members of the family. Also, another study about dog-human relationships conducted in 2018 showed that 79 percent of pet-owning homebuyers said they would pass up an otherwise perfect home if it didn’t meet the needs of their pets. As the researchers concluded, "dogs are more than just man's best friend."
#FamilyPortraitChallenge is a new trend that's recently been going viral on Facebook, and I think that it supports the previously mentioned survey results in the most flawless way. With that being said, Bored Panda invites you to look through some of favorite shots submitted for the #FamilyPortraitChallenge, inviting dog owners to share their best family pics featuring their beloved pooches. By the way, we had a chance to talk to one of the participators and her ask her a few interesting questions, so make sure to look for her answers while scrolling down!
#FamilyPortraitChallenge是最近在Facebook上疯传的一个新趋势,我认为它以最完美的方式支持了前面提到的调查结果。话又说回来,Bored Panda邀请你来看看为#家庭照片挑战#提交的一些最喜欢的照片,邀请狗主人分享他们最爱的狗狗的最佳家庭照片。顺便说一下,我们有机会和其中一个参与者交谈,她问了她一些有趣的问题,所以请确保在向下滚动时寻找她的答案!
图片来源:Julija Svidrait
More info: Facebook