Comics are a fan favorite here on Bored Panda and today we have some that will probably make you laugh, shock you a little bit, and will hopefully lift up your spirits. This artist, known as Raph by 70k followers on Instagram, creates funny comics with unexpected and sometimes quite dark endings. He lives in Melbourne, Australia, and can transform a simple or ordinary life experience into great stories that are weirdly relatable.
在Bored Panda网站上,漫画是粉丝们最喜欢的,今天我们有一些漫画可能会让你大笑,让你有点震惊,并希望能振奋你的精神。这位艺术家在Instagram上有7万名粉丝,被称为Raph,他创作的有趣漫画有着意想不到的、有时非常黑暗的结局。他住在澳大利亚的墨尔本,能把一段简单或普通的生活经历变成引人入胜的伟大故事。
The artist told us what inspires him to create these comics: "It makes me feel alive, mostly. Who are you if you’re not actively creating and putting out your thoughts and expressions into the world? Or so I think, maybe it’s the likes and the dopamine rush."
More info: raphcomic.com | twitter.com | patreon.com | Instagram | Facebook