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    (CNN)A history of being consistently active is strongly associated with a reduced risk of severe Covid-19, according to a new study released Tuesday.


    The Kaiser Permanente study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, looked at nearly 50,000 adults with Covid-19. The researchfound that those who met the target of the US Department of Health and Human Services' physical activity guidelines -- of at least 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous physical activity -- showed significantly lower incidences of hospitalization, ICU admission and death due to Covid-19 illness.

    发表在《英国运动医学杂志》上的Kaiser Permanente研究对近5万名成人进行了Covid-19检测。研究发现,那些达到美国卫生和公共服务部(Department of Health and Human Services)体力活动指南(每周至少150分钟中度至剧烈体力活动)目标的人,因Covid-19疾病住院、入住ICU和死亡的发生率显著降低。

    The guidelines, which are the same as the World Health Organization guidelines used by many nations, are based on research supporting the ability of physical activity to boost immune function, reduce systemic inflammation, increase pulmonary and cardiovascular health, and improve mental health.


    With all those benefits regular movement brings, it may not be that surprising that physical activity meeting these guidelines also would lessen the severity of symptoms of Covid-19. Indeed, acute Covid illness is just one of the many potential negative impacts of sedentary behavior, a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, stroke and some cancers.


    To date, the risk factors for severe Covid-19, as identified by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, include being of advanced age, being male, and having underlying comorbidities, such as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.


    Many of the listed risk factors are difficult — if not impossible — to mitigate, so it's understandable if you feel powerless in the face of some of them. However, the results of this new study could, arguably, add inactivity to the top of that list. Since inactivity is a modifiable risk factor, you can absolutely control it! Read on to learn how.


    To reach the 150-minute exercise threshold over the course of a week, you need to exercise just under 22 minutes daily. For someone who doesn't exercise on a regular basis, that might sound a bit overwhelming. But 22 minutes a day doesn't have to mean signing up for a new gym membership, investing in a treadmill, or completely revamping your schedule.


    With the right strategies, you can accomplish your daily exercise goal with very little disruption to your lifestyle, which is important for being able to sustain your new activity level.


      上一篇:一位患有自闭症的艺术家在漫画中描绘了她的日常生活 下一篇:5条实用策略,让我们一起运动起来!


