A new study finds that college students who don’t get consistent hours of sleep or rarely go to bed at the same time are more likely to have a lower GPA.
Using a proprietary metric called the sleep regularity index (SRI), along with data on academic performance, and sleep duration and distribution, the researchers were able to conduct an analysis.
“Our results indicate that going to sleep and waking up at approximately the same time is as important as the number of hours one sleeps,” says Dr. Andrew J. K. Phillips, the study’s lead author and biophysicist at the hospital’s Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders, in a news release.
“我们的研究结果表明,睡觉和起床的时间相对平稳,与睡眠时长一样重要,”安德鲁 · j · k · 菲利普斯(Andrew j. k. Phillips)博士在一份新闻稿中说。菲利普斯博士是该研究的主要作者,也是该医院睡眠和昼夜节律失调部门的生物物理学家
Despite sleeping about the same number of hours on average, college students who had irregular sleep patterns were found to have lower grades than those who conformed their sleep cycle to a more natural circadian rhythm.
The idea that staying up saves you time is bunk, argues Charles A. Czeisler, senior author on the paper and Director of the hospital’s Sleep Health Institute.
该论文的资深作者、医院睡眠健康研究所所长查尔斯 · a · 切斯勒认为,熬夜节省时间的说法是一派胡言。
“We found that the body clock was shifted nearly three hours later in students with irregular schedules as compared to those who slept at more consistent times each night,” he explains. “For the students whose sleep and wake times were inconsistent, classes and exams that were scheduled for 9 a.m. were therefore occurring at 6 a.m. according to their body clock, at a time when performance is impaired. Ironically, they didn’t save any time because in the end they slept just as much as those on a more regular schedule.”
他解释说: “我们发现,作息不规律的学生的生物钟比那些每晚睡眠时间更规律的学生晚了近三个小时。”。“对于那些睡眠和起床时间不一致的学生来说,根据他们的生物钟,安排在早上9点的课程和考试会在早上6点进行,这个时间段的学生的表现会受到影响。具有讽刺意味的是,他们并没有节省任何时间,因为最终他们的睡眠时间和那些更有规律的人一样多。”
A big part of the researchers’ study involved measuring circadian rhythms and the onset of melatonin during one’s sleep cycle.
“Using a mathematical model of the circadian clock, we were able to demonstrate that the difference in circadian timing between students with the most irregular sleep patterns and students with regular sleep patterns was consistent with their different patterns of daily light exposure,” says Phillips.
Namely, “regular sleepers got significantly higher light levels during the daytime, and significantly lower light levels at night than irregular sleepers who slept more during daytime hours and less during nighttime hours,” he explains.
While circadian rhythms can change, it is not recommended to change one’s sleeping times frequently.
To improve one’s circadian rhythm, the researchers recommend maximizing exposure to daylight and limiting exposure to LED devices before bed.
为了提高人的昼夜节律,研究人员建议最大限度地暴露在日光下,并在睡前限制接触 LED 光照设备。
The study’s findings were published in the journal Scientific Reports.