The peanut butter and constipation link
Peanut butter may cause constipation if we aren't getting enough water. In fact, whenever we eat fiber-rich foods, it's necessary to combine them with plenty of water in order to keep things moving through our digestive tract. Some health experts warn that fiber-rich foods can actually cause constipation if we're not hydrating enough, via Eat This Not That. Another factor contributing to peanut butter constipation may be IBS, and there exists a debate as to whether or not peanut butter exacerbates IBS symptoms like constipation. Generally, IBS sufferers tend to avoid FODMAPS and other fiber-rich foods. While peanut butter isn't considered a high FODMAP food, the fiber content could pose a problem. If you suspect peanut butter may be contributing to IBS-related constipation, consider keeping a food diary to help you track symptoms, via Livestrong. Additionally, you may consider eliminating the food for a period of time and reintroducing it to see if constipation symptoms appear right after the reintroduction.