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    When someone says "pass me the salt", you expect it to be white, right? Well, pink Himalayan salt has taken the limelight as a sought-after substance believed to work wonders in restoring health. We decided to dig into the claims to find out.


    Salt has been professed as the rogue cause of illnesses like heart disease and hypertension, that result from its overconsumption. Ironically, our bodies require salt to retain hydration (via WebMD). Although Himalayan salt has separate benefits than table salt, experts say the results may be similar (via Healthline).


    The genesis of pink Himalayan salt is from caves in, you guessed it, the Himalayas. This salt is one of the purest on earth. Himalayan pink salt was created naturally from seawater deposits millions of years ago (via NDTV Food). The lively pink effect comes from the compound iodine oxide. Comparable to table salt — which tends to have more iodine — Himalayan salt is naturally rich in small amounts of iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc (via WebMD). Common claims say Himalayan salt is healthier because it ostensibly balances pH levels and boosts libido. However, all those claims require further study to prove.


    In efforts to dispel the myths, let's look at what we do know of this imported salt. It is unprocessed. If you fancy organic seasonings, no chemical cleansing happens before this salt hits the market. On the contrary, Medical News Today says table salt undergoes processing to add iodine. Studies have shown halotherapy eases asthma and respiratory symptoms, and resting in Himalayan salt spa rooms can improve lung healing propensity. Salt is an eminent rejuvenator. Using salt as a skin exfoliant or taking brine baths is advised by Integrative Medicine of NJ for soothing. Parkview Wellness adds that pink Himalayan salt activates enzymes in the body and "aids the intestinal tract and the liver in performing their digestive functions." In other words, it acts as a natural laxative.

    为了消除这些神话,让我们来看看我们对这种进口盐的了解。喜马拉雅盐是未加工的。在这种盐上市之前,没有进行任何化学清洗,如果你喜欢有机调味料可以选择。相反,《今日医学新闻》说食盐经过加工添加了碘。研究表明,盐疗法可以缓解哮喘和呼吸道症状,在喜马拉雅盐水疗室休息可以提高肺部愈合倾向。盐还是一种杰出的磨砂膏。新泽西州中西医结合医院建议使用盐作为皮肤去角质剂或盐水浴进行舒缓。Parkview Wellness补充道,粉色喜马拉雅盐可以激活体内的酶,“帮助肠道和肝脏发挥消化功能。”换句话说,它是一种天然的泻药。

    Other customary uses of pink Himalayan salt are topical and even decorative. MindBodyGreen writes about the benefits of glowy salt lamps for your home or workspace (even better if they're one and the same). Get creative and use pink salt for a crafty DIY project if you like organic exfoliants, per Mama Instincts. Himalayan salt bath bombs help relax your body and mind after a long day, according to Wildly Organic.

    粉红色喜马拉雅盐的其他常用用途是局部的,甚至是装饰性的。MindBodyGreen写道,发光的盐灯对你的家庭或工作空间的好处(如果是统一的,更好)。根据Mama instinct网站,如果你喜欢有机去角质产品,可以发挥创意,用粉色盐做一个手工DIY项目。喜马拉雅盐浴炸弹可以帮助你在漫长的一天之后放松身心。

    Pink Himalayan salt is completely organic and undergoes no processing. When used in moderation, pink Himalayan salt has comparably the same amount of health benefits as table salt, while it is a multipurpose solution. If you have a medical condition, speak with your doctor before adding more salt to your diet. Be sure to always sprinkle in moderation.


      上一篇:柠檬是超级食物吗 下一篇:柠檬水可以治疗消化不良


