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    Moreover, the anxiety is recurring and ongoing and often accompanied by intrusive thoughts (via APA). While anxiety disorders come in many forms, they all impact one's ability to go about their day. Some examples of different kinds of anxiety disorders include social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder (via Medical News Today).


    Managing anxiety looks different for everyone. Some may find mental health counseling to be helpful, others may find medication alleviates the discomfort, while others may derive benefit from personal practices such as meditation or breathing techniques (via Medical News Today). Now, one therapist offers a potential coping technique involving a certain sugary treat!


    When a bout of anxiety intensifies, it can sometimes lead to a panic attack. Experts at University Michigan Health define a panic attack as "a sudden, intense fear or anxiety that may make you short of breath or dizzy or make your heart pound." On average, panic attacks can last between five to 20 minutes, with anxiety peaking around the ten-minute mark. However, while panic attacks may last for minutes in some people, for others, they may last for hours.


    Licensed trauma therapist Micheline Maalouf spoke to Insider about the potential symptom relief offered by sour candy to those who experience panic attacks. Demonstrating the technique in a "panic attack hack" TikTok video for Better Help Therapy, Maalouf explains to viewers how popping a sour candy into your mouth at the onset of panic attack symptoms serves as a distraction to the physical senses. Maalouf states via Insider, "It shocks our senses into focusing on the sourness of the candy. It sort of puts us into a mindful moment using our sense of taste and shifts the focus away from our symptoms or whatever triggered the panic."

    执业创伤治疗师Micheline Maalouf向Insider杂志介绍了酸糖对那些经历过恐慌症发作的人的潜在缓解症状的作用。Maalouf在TikTok上为Better Help Therapy制作的一段“恐慌发作黑客”视频中演示了这一技术,他向观众解释了在出现恐慌发作症状时,如何将一颗酸糖塞进嘴里,从而分散身体感官的注意力。Maalouf通过Insider网站说道:“糖果的酸味让我们的感官受到冲击。它在某种程度上让我们使用味觉进入一个专注的时刻,并将注意力从我们的症状或任何引发恐慌的东西上转移开。”

      上一篇:枫糖糖浆对血糖有什么影响? 下一篇:普通感冒的潜伏期是多久


