adj.肯定的; 赞成的,同意的; 积极的,乐观的;
n.肯定词,肯定语; 正方; 确言,赞成;
1.Khor answered in the affirmative. 科尔自己给予了肯定的回答。
2.He told his audience at the recent talk that he was pleased to be able to answer inthe affirmative. 他在最近的一次谈话中告诉听众,他很高兴自己作出了肯定的回答。
3.He trimmed affirmative action, effectively ended racial quotas at the city universityof new york and championed school choice. 他改进了肯定性行动计划,有效地解决了纽约城市大学的种族配额问题并且大力拥护校方的选择。
4.However imperfectly, the american tradition has remained true to the intention ofthe founders, providing a long string of affirmative answers to their originalexperimental question. 无论多么不完善,美国的传统始终忠实于建国者的意图,为他们最初实验所提出的问题提供了一长串肯定答案。
5.As president hu jintao was feted at the g8 summit in japan, china secured twoimportant affirmative rsvps to the opening of the olympic games in beijing nextmonth. 当胡锦涛主席在日本享受八国峰会的款待时,中国得到了两位重量级嘉宾的肯定回复,表示将出席下个月在北京举办的奥运会。