Situational Words and Phrases 情景词汇
1.defferred telegram 慢电
2.a telegram in code 密码电
3.telegraph counter 打电报处
4.word counting (电报)计字
5.chargeable words 计费字
6.under charge 少收资费
7.aver charge 多收资费
8.understamped letter 邮资不足的
9.long-distance telecommunications 信件
10.bureau 长途电信局
11.postage-due letter 欠资信
12.sending office 发报局
13.dead letter 死信
14.receiving office 收报局
15.local mail本埠邮件
16.telegrapher报务员outport mail 外埠邮件
17.preamble 报头
18.insured mail 保价邮件
19.greetings telegram 致意电报
20.undeliverable mail无法投递的邮件
21.congratulatory telegram 贺电
22.first-class mail 一级邮件(普通信)
23.telegram of condolence 唁电件,有封口)
24.lettergram 书信电报
25.second-class mail 二级邮件(多为商业广告,无封口)
26.inland telegram 国内电报
27.radiogram 无线电报
28.thud-class mail 三级邮件(印刷品)
29.personal delivery 亲启
30.fourth-class mail四级邮件(包裹)
31.cable address 电报挂号
32.undo 打开
33.registration period 挂号期限
34.insured parcel 保价包裹
35.abbreviation 缩写
36.small parcel 小件邮包
37.stamps counter 售邮票处
38.bulky parcel大宗包裹
39.used stamp 旧邮票
40.parcel farm 包裹详情单
41.airmail stamp 航空邮票
42.sender's remarks 汇款人简短附言
43.special stamp 特种邮票
44.remittance receipt 汇款收据
45.a set of stamps 一套邮票
46.inland postage 国内邮资
47.indicia 邮戮 postage 国际邮资
49.unsealed letter 开口信件
50.postage free 邮资已付
51.private mail 私人信件 accept subscriptions 受理征订
53.commercial letter 商业信件
54.local papers and magazines 本埠
55.via 经由……报刊
56.c/o 请……转交
57.out of town papers and magazines 外埠报刊
58.registration fee 挂号费