参考例句:A board of directors, as of a corporation 董事会如公司的董事会
President 行长
参考例句:Loans: The Perspective of ADB President 亚行行长说贷款——访亚洲开发银行行长千野忠男
Executive Office 经理办公室
参考例句:Managing Director's Office 这是总经理办公室。
Personnel Dept. 人事部
参考例句:minister of personnel 人事部部长介绍说
General Affairs Dept. 总务部
参考例句:are you calling Mr. Li in the General affairs Department? 你是不是要和总务部的李先生说话。
International Dept. 国际业务部
参考例句:International Business Department seeks for improvement wherever we can in order to serve our customers to their entire satisfaction 国际业务部从各方面完善自我,以提高客户满意度。
Overseas Branches Dept. 海外部
参考例句:Department of Overseas Trade 海外贸易部海外贸易部
Foreign Exchange Dept. 外汇资金部
参考例句:Therefore the bulk of the Government's financial assets are placed with the Fund.因此,政府大部分的金融资产均存放于外汇基金。
Accounting Dept. 财会部
参考例句:The account department has started working on the year - end account . 财会部已开始准备财会年终帐目。
International Clearing Dept 国际清算部
参考例句:International Commodities Clearing House 国际商品交易清算所
Banking Dept. 营业部
参考例句:The Study of Securities Company s Management in China; 我国证券营业部经营管理问题及对策研究
Credit Card Dept. 信用卡部
参考例句:TC TEAM of Credit Card Department of HB Bank; HB银行信用卡部TC团队
General Auditing Dept. 总稽核室
参考例句:co-ordinated inspection visit 联合稽核,联合检查
Computer Center 电脑部
参考例句:down a cable and into the guts of the computer. 通过电缆到了电脑内部。
Training Management Dept. 教育部
参考例句:The Minister of Education has resigned. 教育部长已辞职了。
Institute of International Finance 国际金融研究所
参考例句:Singapore International Monetary Exchange 新加坡国际金融交易所
Trust and Consultation Co. 信托咨询公司
参考例句:Comparison of Multinational Consulting Companies and Native Consulting Companies; 跨国咨询公司和本土咨询公司的比较