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    除非有可以为之牺牲的远大的目标,否则任何一位演讲者都会有怀疑自己题材的时候。他会问自己,他适不适合这个题目,听众会不会感兴趣等,很可能一念之间便把题目改了。这种时候,消极的思想极可能彻底毁掉你的自信,你应该为自己先打打气,用浅显的话对自己说,讲演是很适合你的,因为它来自你的经验,来自你对生命的看法;你比任何一个听众都更有资格来作这番特别的演讲,并且,苍天在上,你会全力以赴,把它说个清楚的。这种古老的方法难道管用吗?大概是的。现代的实验心理学家都同意,自我启发而产生的动机,即使是假装的,也是导致快速学习最有力的刺激之一。既然如此,根据事实所做的真诚的自我鼓励,效果不知道要好多少。Unless he is consumed by some great cause to which he has dedicated his life, every speaker will experience moments of doubt about his subject matter. He will ask himself whether the topic is the right one for him, whether the audience will be interested in it. He will be sorely tempted to change his subject. At times like these, when negativism is most likely to tear down self-confidence completely, you should give yourself a pep talk. In clear, straightforward terms tell yourself that your talk is the right one for you, because it comes out of your experience, out of your thinking about life. Say to yourself that you are more qualified than any member of the audience to give this particular talk and, by George, you are going to do your best to put it across. Is this old-fashioned method working? It may be, but modem experimental psychologists now agree that motivation based on autosuggestion is one of the strongest incentives to rapid learning, even when simulated. How much more powerful then, will be the effect of a sincere pep talk based on the truth?

      上一篇:卡耐基演讲·2.避免去想可能会使你不安的事情 下一篇:卡耐基演讲·四、表现出信心十足的样子


