举例来说,假如你去设想自己可能会犯语法错误,或中途会突然地讲不下去等具有反面作用的事情,很可能在你开始之前便没有了信心。开始讲演之前,尤其重要的是把注意力从自己身上移开。试着集中精神听听别的讲演者说些什么,把注意力放在他们身上,这样就不会造成过度的登台恐惧了。For instance, thinking of yourself making errors of grammar or suddenly coming to an end of your talk somewhere in the middle of it is certainly a negative projection that could cancel confidence before you started. It is especially important to keep your attention off yourself just before your turn to speak. Concentrate on what the other speakers are saying, give them your wholehearted attention and you will not be able to work up excessive stage fright.