除了运用图画般的细节,讲演者还应该让情景再现。讲演和它的姐妹艺术——“表演”有相近的地方,所有出名的演讲家的身上都会有一种表演的天分。这并非是一种只能在雄辩家身上找到的稀罕的特质,孩童们多有这种才能,我们所认识的许多人也都有这样的天赋,富于面部表情,善于模仿或做手势。我们多数人都有某种这样的技巧,只要稍加努力和练习,便能有更多的发展。In addition to using picturesque details, the speaker should relive the experience he is describing. Here is where speaking approaches its sister field of acting. All great speakers have a sense of the dramatic, but this is not a rare quality, to be found only in the eloquent. Most children have a plentiful supply of it. Many persons of our acquaintance are gifted with a sense of timing, facial expression, mimicry, or pantomime that is a part, at least, of this priceless ability to dramatize. Most of us have some skill along these lines, and with a little effort and practice we can develop more of it.
描叙事件时,在其中加入越多的动作和激动的情感,就越能给听众留下深刻的印象。讲演不论多么富于细节,讲演者若不能以再创造的热情来讲述,就是没有力量的。你想给我们描述一场大火吗?那就把消防队与火焰搏斗时人们感受到的激烈、焦灼、兴奋、紧张的感觉传递给我们。你想告诉我们你同邻居间的一场争吵吗?把它再现在我们眼前,让它戏剧化。你想诉说在水中作最后挣扎时惊恐袭上心头的感觉吗?那就让我们感受到生命里那些可怕时刻里的绝望吧!举例的目的之一,就是让自己的讲演被人们牢记不忘。只有让事例深印在听众脑海中,他们才会记住你的讲演,以及你要他们做的事。我们总能记得华盛顿的诚实,是由于樱桃树的事情已经凭借韦姆斯的传记而深入人心。圣经《新约》是嘉言懿行的丰富宝库,其道德操守原则,都是凭借富含人情味的事例来传达、强化的,例如《善良的撒马利亚人》的故事即是。The more action and excitement you can put into the retelling of your incident, the more it will make an impression on your listeners. No matter how rich in detail a talk may be, it will lack punch if the speaker does not give it with all the fervor of recreation. Are you describing a fire? Give us the feeling of excitement that ran through the crowd as the firemen battled the blaze. Are you telling us about an argument with your neighbor? Relive it; dramatize it. Are you relating your final struggles in the water as panic swept over you? Make your audience feel the desperation of those awful moments in your life. For one of the purposes of the example is to make your talk memorable. Your listeners will remember your talk and what you want them to do only if the example sticks in their minds. We recall George Washington's honesty because of the cherry tree incident popularized in the Weems' biography. The New Testament is a rich storehouse of principles of ethical conduct reinforced by examples full of human interest-for instance, the story of the Good Samaritan.
这种事例,除了可以让自己的讲演容易被人记忆,还可使你的讲演更有趣,更有说服力,也更易被听众理解。生命所教给你的经验,已被听众重新感知,他们,就某种意义而言,已经决心照你的意思来响应。这样,我们就到了“魔法公式”的第二道门前。In addition to making your talk more easily remembered, the incident-example makes your talk more interesting, more convincing, and easier to understand. Your experience of what life has taught you is freshly perceived by the audience: they are in a sense, predetermined to respond to what you want them to do. This brings us right to the doorstep of the second phase of the Magic Formula.