现在,“获得行动响应的讲演”举例的阶段,已用去你四分之三以上的时间。假设你只讲两分钟,那你就只剩下20秒钟来说出你期望听众采取的行动和采取这种行动的好处了。讲述细节的需要没有了,做直截了当的声明的时候已经到了。这与报纸消息的技巧相反,你不先说标题,你先讲故事,再以自己的目的或对听众行动的请求作为标题。这一步通过以下三条法则来进行:The Example step of your talk to get action has consumed more than three-quarters of your time. Assume you are talking for two minutes. You have about twenty seconds in which to hammer home the desired action you wish the audience to take and the benefit they can expect as a result of doing what you ask. The need for detail is over. The time for forthright, direct assertion has come. It is the reverse of the newspaper technique. Instead of giving the headline first, you give the news story and then you headline it with your Point or appeal for action. This step is governed by three rules: