推销员可以提出很多理由,告诉你为什么应该购买他们的产品;你也能举出好几个理由来支持自己的论点,并且全都与你所使用的事例有关。然而,最好还是选一个最突出的缘由或利益为好。说给听众的最后几句话应该清楚明确,像刊登在全国性的杂志里的广告词那样。如果你去研究一下这些融入许多人智慧设计出的广告,对你处理讲演中的“重点和缘由”会很有帮助。没有哪个广告试图一次推销两种或两种以上的产品。在销行范围很广泛的杂志中,没有广告使用一个以上的理由来说明你为什么该买。同一个公司也许会把它激发动机的请求从一种媒介改到另一种媒介,比如从电视改成报纸,但是同一家公司却很少在一个广告里有不同的请求,不论是口头上的还是视觉上的。Most salesmen can give a half-dozen reasons why you should buy their product, and it is quite possible that you can give several reasons to back up your Point and all of them may be relevant to the Example you used. But again it is best to choose one outstanding reason or benefit and rest your case on it. Your final words to the audience should be as clear-cut as the message on an advertisement in a national magazine. If you study these ads upon which so much talent has been expended, you will develop skill in handling the point and reason of your talk. No ad attempts to sell more than one product or one idea at a time. Very few ads in the big circulation magazines use more than one reason why you should buy. The same company may change its motivational appeal from one medium to another, from television to newspapers, for instance, but rarely will the same company make different appeals in one ad, whether vocal or visual.
如果研究一下在报纸杂志和电视上的广告,分析它的内容,你会惊讶地发现,“魔法公式”用在劝诱人们购买物品上的次数真是太多了,你可以因此体会到,“切题”是让整个广告成为统一的整体的经纬线。If you study the ads you see in magazines and newspapers and on television and analyze their content you will be amazed at how often the Magic Formula is used to persuade people to buy. You will become aware of the ribbon of relevancy which binds the whole ad or commercial together into a unified package.
还有可采用其他的方式的事例,例如陈列、展示、引述权威、比较和引用统计数字等。这些将在第五章中详细解说——在该章里将讨论较长的说服性的演讲。本章中的公式仅限于单个人的情况,因为在“获得听众行动的响应的简短讲演”中,这套公式是迄今为止最有趣、最戏剧性而且最具说服力的方法。There are other ways of building up an example, for instance, by using exhibits, giving a demonstration, quoting authorities, making comparisons, and citing statistics. These will be explained more at length in Chapter Thirteen, where the longer talk to persuade will be discussed. In this chapter, the formula has been restricted to the personal incident type of example because, in the short talk to get action, it is by far the easiest and most interesting, dramatic, and persuasive method a speaker can use.