当众讲话的动机本书已经阐述了很多了。这是个很大的题目,对于要劝服采取行动的人很有用处。在“获得行动响应的简短讲演”中,你该做的,是用一两句话在演讲高潮的时机把好处说出来,然后坐下。不过,有一点很重要,就是你所强调的好处应该是从你所举的事例中引出的。如果叙述自己买旧车省钱的经验,然后又力劝听众买二手货,那么切不可偏离事例,而告诉听众说有些旧车的样式比最新的汽车好。Much has been written about motivation in public speaking. It is a vast subject and a useful one for anyone engaged in persuading others to act. In the short talk to get action, on which we are centering our attention in this chapter, all you can hope to do is highlight the benefit in a sentence or two and then sit down. It is most important, however, that you focus upon the benefit that was brought out in the Example step. If you tell of your experience in saving money by buying a used car, and urge your listeners to buy a secondhand car, you must emphasize in your reason that they, too, may enjoy the economical advantages of buying secondhand. You should not deviate from the example by giving as your reason the fact that some used cars have better styling than the latest models.