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    我多次讲,你如果拿出力量和劲头来,表现出的蓬勃生气就会对你内在的心理过程产生非常好的效果。不知你有没有注意到,在交谈的人群里面,有个人忽然指手画脚地讲起来,于是很快他就头头是道说个不停了,甚至还口沫横飞、精彩异常,而且开始引来一群热心的听众了。身体的活动与心理活动之间的关系是紧密的。我们常用相同的词来描述手和心理的活动。比如我们说“我们抓住了一个概念”或“我们掌握住了一个思想”。一旦身体充起电来——充起蓬勃的生气,我们就能很快地让心灵迅速展开活动,这和威廉·詹姆斯说的一样。所以我忠告你,只要能忘我地投入到讲演之中,自然会成为成功的即席演讲者。As has been said several times before in this book, if you speak with energy and forcefulness, your external animation will have a beneficial effect upon your mental processes. Have you ever watched a man in a conversational group who suddenly begins to gesture as he speaks? Soon he is talking fluently, sometimes brilliantly, and he begins to attract a group of eager listeners. The relation of physical activity to the mind is a close one. We use the same words to describe manual and mental operations: for instance, we say "we grasp an idea" or "we clutch at a thought". Once we get the body charged up and animated, as William James pointed out, we very soon will get the mind functioning at a rapid pace. So my advice to you is to throw yourself with abandon into your talk and you will help to insure your success as an impromptu speaker.

      上一篇:卡耐基演讲·三、马上举例说明 下一篇:卡耐基演讲·五、因地制宜,因人而异


