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    In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. which is appropriate in today's world. 在一些国家,中学生会学习广泛的课程,在一些国家,学生们会学习一些和未来择业相关的课程,哪一种教育方式更加合适?



    Some people think older schoolchildren should study a large number of subjects in a wide range of knowledge. Others believe schoolchildren should study a smaller number of subjects in a greater detail. Discuss both views and give your own opinion 有人认为学生应该学习广泛的课程,有人认为学生应该详细地学习少量的课程,讨论两种观点再得出你的结论。(2013年4月27日)


    Some people think that they should study the course that they are interested in. Some people think that they should a wide range of subjects. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 有人认为学生应该学习他们感兴趣的课程,有人认为学习应该学习多元的课程,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。



    1. 人们的精力和时间有限,广泛涉猎,难免蜻蜓点水。相反,集中精力学习一门课程,可以使人成为一个领域的专家。毕竟,人生的奋斗的过程就是追求稀缺的过程,你要成为哪个不可替代者。

    2. 专才教育培养的学生,择业更有竞争力,因为他们可以适合特殊企业的需求。


    1. 通才教育帮助人实现全面发展,培养多元的兴趣和才华,可以使受教育者适应未来不同领域的工作,因此,可以减少单一职业选择带来的失业的风险。

    2. 专才教育通常传授的是以择业为导向的知识,和就业相关联的技能,仅仅是一种生存技能的培养,相反,通才教育不仅是传授知识,还涉及到人的道德教育、性格培养、心灵成长,因此,通才教育更能体现完美教育的真谛。



    Education is one of the key words of our time,however, people have been debating, for many years, about the perfect standard of education. People’s views differ greatly in whether or not specialist is superior to generalist. To voice my opinion, in comparison with solely imparting career-related knowledge, to provide students with a rich variety of subjects deserves more praises.


    1. …… is superior to …… v优越于……

    2. deserves more praises v更加值得赞美


    Indeed,I have to concede that acquiring career-oriented knowledge and job-related skills is never without its merits. For a start, one can have more opportunities of securing a decent job with promising future if he or she can excel in one specific field. From our lives, it is easy to find some examples to prove that those graduates coming from vocational training schools are more easily to get a reasonable career. Also, one’s time and energy is limited,therefore, as a proverb goes, Jack-of-all-trades is master of none.


    1. is never without its merits 远非没有其利好

    2. secure a decent job with promising future 找到体面的有前途的工作

    3. excel in one specific field 精通于一个特殊的领域


    However,I want to rebut that specialized education is not universally suitable for the vast majority of students. Conversely, a person who has studied a wide range of subjects could,to a larger extent,realize his or her all-round development. More precisely, people will enlarge their scope of knowledge and broaden their mental horizons. Another convincing argument is that the cultivations of a variety of competences could help one make full preparations for work in different fields,by contrast,a man who just zero in on the subjects he or she takes interest in will have to face more risks of unemployment triggered by a single career choice


    1. is not universally suitable for v不是普遍适合……

    2. realize his or her all-round development. v实现全面的发展

    3. have to face more risks of unemployment triggered by a single career choice v面对单一职业选择带来的失业的风险

    尾段:再次亮明观点 + 总结理由

    In closing,I re-affirm my conviction that compared with focusing on career-oriented courses,taking various courses is more feasible and rational because it helps students realize comprehensive development and foster more personal talents. Further, our society need talents with a wealth of knowledge, so, a person who study many courses will enhance the competitiveness in the future job-seeking.


    1. is more feasible and rational 更加的可行和理性

    2. enhance the competitiveness in the future job-seeking. 提高未来择业的竞争力


    首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

    A man without education is a victim of adversity, however, educationalists have been pondering, for many years, which one is more preferable, specialized education or comprehensive education. Convincing arguments could be explored to justify both sides. As I see it, it is of immense value for students to receive the comprehensive education to enhance one’s all-round abilities.


    A man without education is a victim of adversity. 一个没有受过教育的人是逆境的牺牲品。


    Granted, those who support the specialized education do have reasons to some extent. For one thing, it is extremely efficient for the learners to acquire knowledge more effectively when applying themselves to only one subject. For another, it exerts a beneficial impact on the future job-hunting, for the specialists can definitely meet the demand of some enterprises. The training of athletes, cooks and other professionals can serve as perfect examples.


    1. applying themselves to only one subject 只专注学习一门课程

    2. athletes, cooks and other professionals 运动员,厨师或者其他的专业人士


    Nonetheless, on no account could we ignore the immense value of general education. First, acquiring divergent subjects could help enlarge ones’ knowledge scope and foster more competences. Still, by means of all-round learning, it can add spice to students’ dull routine of daily life. It is conceivable that one can cultivate various hobbies and talents as a generalist. Last, knowledge is not a burden. Acquiring a wide range of subjects could enable one to better prepare him or her for the future career challenges because the moral education and character-training it covers could be beneficial to ones’ growth


    1. add spice to students’ dull routine of daily life. 增加生活的乐趣

    2. moral education and character-training 道德教育和性格培养


    In closing, it is fairly difficult to say that the special education is the better way to cultivate the youngsters. My view is that everyone could benefit a great deal from the general learning, both psychologically and intellectually.


    1. generalist n通才

    2. specialist n专才

    3. specialized education n专才教育

    4. comprehensive education n通才教育

    5. acquire a range of subjects v学习广泛的课程

    6. acquire a wealth of knowledge v 学习大量的知识

    7. travel in the ocean of the knowledge v畅游知识的海洋

    8. avoid the possible risk of unemployment v 避免失业的风险

    9. knowledge is not a kind of burden 艺多不压身

    10. help one be well-prepared for the future career challenges 帮助一个人适应未来事业的挑战


      上一篇:雅思大作文语料库:新老师新医生该支边支教吗 下一篇:雅思大作文语料库:间隔年的利弊


