1 问 "日期"
What's the date today? 今天是几号了?
It's December 29th. 今天是十二月二十九号。
2 问"星期"
What day is it today? 今天是星期几?
It's Monday today. 今天是星期一。
3 问 "钟点"
What's the time?
What time is it? 几点了?
It 's half past six. 六点半。
4 问"什么时候"
What time do you get up in the morning?
When do you get up in the morning? 你早晨什么时候起床?
I get up at six. 我六点钟起床。
Prompting: What time 和 When 在问具体的时间可以互换,但问的时间不具体的时候只能用When. e.g.
When will you go to Beijing? 你什么时候去北京?
5 问 "多少天(星期,月)"
How many days are there in a year? 一年有多少天?
There are 365 days in a year. 一年有365 天。
How many months are there in a year? 一年中有多少个月?
There are twelve months in a year. 一年中有12 个月。
6 问 "多长时间"
How long may I keep this book? 这本书我可以借多长时间?
For two weeks. 两周。
7 问"从现在起需多久"
How soon will he be back? 他多久回来?
In two days. 两天后。
8 问"频率"
How often do you go the cinema? 你多长时间看一部电影?
Once a month. 一个月一次。
9 问"节日"
When is our National Day? 什么时候是我们的国庆节?
October 1st. 10 月 1 日。