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    Some people believe that new parents should attend a parenting course to learn how to bring up their children well,to what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为:初为父母应该参加育儿培训课程学习如何抚养孩子,你在多大程度上同意这个观点?(2016年5月28)


    ① Caring for children is probably the most important thing of the society. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take the childcare training courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? 教育的孩子很重要,有人认为,所有的父母都应该学习育儿课程,你在多大程度上同意这个观点? (2013年1月19日)

    ② Some working parents believe childcare centers can provide best care for their children, others believe that family members like grandparents can do a better job. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 有些父母认为育儿中心可以更好地照料孩子,有些父母认为祖父母可以更好地照顾孩子,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。(2015年3月14日)


    ① 老师喜欢看芒果台的《变形记》,有一集描述的是贵州贫困地区的留守儿童,他们的父母都在城市里打工,家庭贫困,父母辛苦赚钱仅仅是维持孩子的基本生活和让孩子有机会接受更好的教育。这些父母,不可能有经济成本去专门学习育儿培训课程。

    ② 对于很多社会精英而言,尽管他们有经济实力参加育儿培训课程,但是,他们又没有时间和精力,所以,让他们专门学习育儿培训课程也是不现实的,尽管他们可能有学习的愿望。





    ① 我承认,在时间和经济条件允许的情况下,父母们学习育儿课程对于孩子的教育和成长有利好的影响,因为父母们正确的教育和培养会使孩子们更加健康地快乐地成长,同时,这有助于增强家庭纽带。



    ②对于贫困家庭而言,父母的可支配收入有限,学习育儿课程虽有利好,却会增加父母的经济负担,在现实生活中很难实现。例如,我喜欢看芒果台的《变形记》 (一部纪录片),有一集描述的是贵州贫困地区的留守儿童,他们的父母都在城市里打工,孩子们的生活非常贫困和艰苦,父母辛苦工作仅是维持孩子的基本生活和 让孩子们接受良好教育。这些父母,不可能有经济成本去专门学习育儿培训课程。


    【首段】 背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

    Parents are the initial teachers who exert a subtle influence on the character-training and mental growth of their children. Fine parenting is what every couple with child aspires after. People have been debating the pros and cons of requiring parents to participate in the childcare training courses without reaching any definite consensus. As I see it, even though ideal parenting will play essential roles in terms of children’s rearing, not every couple with child has to partake of the childcare training courses.


    Indeed, I have to concede that some merits could be gained via encouraging parents to get involved in childcare-related training courses. The most striking merit is that these courses help the new parents acquire enough basic knowledge on how to see to a baby. It is conceivable that parents won't do improper things when caring the little babies, which can avoid the hurt to the babies. Yet, this is not universally suitable for every family with children, and sometimes the basic knowledge on baby-caring could be offered by other ways.


    Also,there are numerous social elites who seldom have time to take the training courses. Compelling them to learn the child-care related courses is not only a waste of their time but also a loss for their careers because they would generate less social value. Likewise, as for those who cannot afford the cost of the course, they could acquire child-care knowledge via books, TV programs or the Internet because these couples have to make a decent living and to feed their newly born baby. Lastly, Even though care training enjoys some merits, it might disturb the development of creative thoughts that parents conceive of to raise a child. In this sense, the new method might be misled by the courses.


    Overall, my stand is that childcare training courses might not be really needed. Actually, when it comes to how to rear and educate children, the option should be more directly given to every individual parent.


    1. Child rearing is one of the key words in a family. 在家庭中,抚养孩子是关键词之一。

    2. take part in the childcare training courses = participate in the childcare class 参加育儿培训课程

    【解析】 the childcare class = the childcare training courses 育儿培训课程

    3. acquire relevant childcare skill = learn relevant childcare technique 学习相关的育儿技巧

    4. Parents are the initial teachers of their children who exert a subtle influence on the character-training and mental growth of their kids. 父母是最初的老师,他们对于孩子们的精神成长以及性格培养有潜移默化的影响。

    【解析】 exert a subtle influence on sb 对于……施加了微妙的影响

    5. Fierce competition and excessive workload sometimes will make it hard for some parents to participate in the childcare class. 激烈的竞争和过量的工作负荷有时候会使父母们很难参加育儿培训课程。

    6. As for those poverty-stricken families,parents usually have limited financial budget at their own disposal. 对于贫困家庭而言,父母的可支配收入是有限的。

    7. The participation of the childcare training courses will add financial burden to a family. 参加育儿培训课程会增加一个家庭的经济负担。

    【拓展】 financial burden = economic pressure 经济的压力

    【拓展】 impose much pressure upon a family economically 增加一个家庭的经济压力

    8. Those social elites have to zero in on pursuing their career development. 那些社会精英不得不专注于事业的发展。

    9. In this sense,inviting the professionally well-trained baby-teachers to take care of their children might be a superior choice. 从这个意义上,邀请专业上训练有素的育儿教师去照料他们的孩子是更好的选择。

    10. Parental participation in childcare training courses could,to a large extent,strengthen the family tie. 父母参与育儿培训课程可以在很大程度上增强家庭的纽带。

    【解析】 strengthen the family tie 增强家庭纽带

    11. Parents will have a better understanding about childcare, therefore, they are more likely to enjoy harmonious and intimate relationship with their children. 父母们会对于如何照料孩子会有更好的理解, 因此,他们和孩子们的关系更加和谐和亲密。

    12. Encouraging parents to participate in training courses related to childcare can enhance parent-child relationship. 鼓励父母们参加育儿相关的课程会增进父母和子女的关系。

    13. If possible,all parents should undergo a period of parenting class . 如果可能,所所有的父母都参加一个阶段的培训课程。

    【解析】 parenting n父母对于子女的教育

    14. On the part of many extremely needy couples with children, life is a perpetual struggle against poverty. 对于很多有孩子的贫困的夫妻而言,他们的生活就是和贫困永恒斗争的过程。

    【解析】 perpetual adj 永恒的

    15. The debate reminds me of a documentary film played by the Mango TV station,which described some stay-at-home children in the remote rural areas. 这个话题使我想起了芒果电视台的一部纪录片,纪录片描述的是在遥远的贫困地区的留守儿童。

    【解析】 some stay-at-home children 一些留守儿童

    16. The vast majority of them live under the poverty line 他们中大多数人生活在贫困线以下。

    17. What their parents strive for is only to enable their children to sustain the basic life need and receive better education. 他们的父母努力奋斗的目标仅仅是使他们的孩子们可以维持基本的生活以及接受更好的教育。

    【解析】 strive for 为了……奋斗

    18. Numerous instructive childcare-related programs can be available on TV and on the Internet. 很多有意义的和育儿相关的节目可以在网络和电视中获得。

    【解析】 instructive adj 有教育意义的

    19. We have to consider that individual family has different situation. 我们不得不考虑到个体的家庭有不同的情况。

    20. In the final analysis,it is rather superficial to simply believe that all parents should be required to get involved in the childcare training courses. 分析之后:简单认为所有的父母都应该被要求去学习育儿培训课程是相当肤浅的。

    【解析】 it is rather superficial to simply believe that …… 简单认为…… 是相等肤浅的


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