Back in the 1940s Danish scientist,Axe Hemmingsen,published a report saying that he had seen large numbers of cranes at Beidaihe,but no one followed up on this at the time. Then in 1985 guided by Hemmingsen`s report, British ornithologist Doctor Martin Williams first came to Beidaihe. With the help of an official from the Beidaihe tourism authority,Dr. Williams visited Shijiutuo Island in nearby Leting County. What he discovered there was far beyond his expectations and he found many new kinds of birds. Since then,accompanied by his Chinese counterpart,Xu Weishu,he has brought many overseas professionals together in Beidaihe every year to enjoy watching the birds and carry out research. 20世纪的40年代丹麦科学家艾柯赛尔·海明森发表了一份纪实报告,说他在一比戴河看到了许多天鹤,但在当时没有引起人们的注意,后来到了1985年,英闰鸟类学家马丁·威廉姆斯博士,根据海明森报告的指点再次来到北戴河。在北戴河旅游局一位官员的帮助下.威廉姆斯博上去了位于附近乐亭县内的石臼沱岛。在那里他又有了意想不到的新发现:他发现了许多新的鸟类‘品种。从那以后,在他的中国同行许维枢的陪同下,他每年都要带上许多国外专业人士来到这里一起观鸟,一起搞研究。 Xu Weishu,vice director of the China Ornithological Society tells of the time when as many as 2 729 oriental white storks were recorded in Beidaihe,doubling the previous world record. 中国鸟类协会副主席许维枢说,曾经有一个时候,多达2729只东亚白鹳聚集在北戴河,比当时世界纪录还要超出一倍。 Look into the skies of Beidaihe in the first ten days of November every year and you will be sure to see flocks of red-crowned cranes and white cranes. 每年11月的头十天,仰望一比戴河的上空.你肯定能够看到成群成群的红顶鹤 (丹顶鹤)和白天鹤。 The year from May 1999 to May 2000 saw ten new species added to the list for Beidaihe. 1999年5月到2000年5月的一年时问里,又有十个鸟类新品种被加写进北戴河的鸟类名册。