Human fossils at Zhoulcoudian are found mainly at three daces,repre sentinq the three stages of human evolution,namely from homoerec tus,early Homo sapiens,to later Homo Sapiens. Paleolithic stonewares are found in 6 sites that belong to different developrnontal stages of Paleolithic culture. It is indeed a rare underground treasure house , for in a fair iy small area hidden so many human fossils with so rich a content. The discovery of Beijing Man's skull entities Zhoukoudian as a world famous cradle of early human beings,where in the long ancient times lived the Beijing Men 700 0()ti to ?00 000 years ago,the New Cave Men about 100 000 years ago,and the Upper Cave Men about 18000 years ago. 周口店附近人类化石有三处,分别代表从直立人到今天的所有三个进化阶段,即直立人、早期智人和晚期智人;六个地点都有旧石器,属于旧石器文化发展的不同时期。在这样一个范围不大的地区内人类化石、旧石器时代文化遗物如此集中、内涵如此丰富多彩,实属罕见,真不愧为地下宝库。“北京人”头盖骨的发现,使周口店成为世界闻名的早期人类发祥地。在漫长的历史岁月中,这里曾生活着距今70万年至20万年的“北京人”、距今10万年左右的“新洞人”和距今1.8万年的“山顶洞人”。