旅行的艺术:动机 Ⅲ 异国情调-5
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    Given all this, it appears to be no coincidence, no mere accident of fashion, that it was specifically the Middle East that Flaubert was interested in. It was temperamentally a logical fit. What he loved in Egypt could be traced back to central facets of his personality. Egypt lent support to ideas and values that were part of his identity but for which his own society had had little sympathy.




    From the day he disembarked in Alexandria, Flaubert noticed and felt at home in the chaos, both visual and auditory, of Egyptian life: boatmen shouting, Nubian porters hawking, merchants bargaining, the sounds of chickens being killed, donkeys being whipped, camels groaning. In the streets there were, he said, 'guttural intonations that sound like the cries of wild beasts, and laughter, and flowing white robes, and ivory teeth flashing between thick lips and flat negro noses, and dusty feet and necklaces and bracelets'. 'It is like being hurled while still asleep into the midst of a Beethoven symphony, with the brasses at their most ear-splitting, the basses rumbling, and the flutes sighing away; each detail reaches out to grip you; it pinches you; and the more you concentrate on it the less you grasp the whole … it is such a bewildering chaos of colours that your poor imagination is dazzled as though by continuous fireworks as you go about staring at minarets thick with white storks, at tired slaves stretched out in the sun on house terraces, at the patterns of sycamore branches against walls, with camel bells ringing in your ears and great herds of black goats bleating in the streets amid the horses and the donkeys and the pedlars.'

    福楼拜有丰富的美感。他喜欢紫色、金色和碧绿色,对埃及建筑的颜色更是欢喜不已。英国旅行家爱德华·莱恩在其著作《现代埃及人的生活方式和社会风俗》中对埃及商人住所的典型设计作了如下描述:“除了斜条格构的窗户,还有一些别的装饰,如彩色玻璃拼成一些花束和孔雀图案,还有一些灰色的和艳彩的装饰,或者仅仅是一些奇幻的图案……在一些公寓抹有泥灰的墙面上,有当地穆斯林艺人简单率真的画作,有画下埃及 [8] 神殿的,有画穆罕默德墓的,也有画花卉及其他东西的……有时墙面只刻绘一些阿拉伯的格言警句,用的是美术字体,也不失为一种漂亮的装饰。”

    Flaubert's aesthetic was rich. He liked purple, gold and turquoise and so welcomed the colours of Egyptian architecture. In his book The Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians , first published in 1833 and revised in 1842, the English traveller Edward Lane described the interiors typical of Egyptian merchants' houses: 'There are, besides the windows of lattice-work, others, of coloured glass, representing bunches of flowers, peacocks, and other gay and gaudy objects, or merely fanciful patterns … On the plastered walls of some apartments are rude paintings of the temple of Mekkeh, or of the tomb of the Prophet, or of flowers and other objects, executed by native Muslim artists … Sometimes the walls are beautifully ornamented with Arabic inscriptions of maxims in an embellished style.'




    The baroque quality of Egypt extended to the language used by Egyptians in even the most ordinary situations. Flaubert recorded examples: 'A while ago when I was looking at seeds in a shop a woman to whom I had given something said, “Blessings on you, my sweet Lord: God grant that you return safe and sound to your native land” … When [Maxime du Camp] asked a groom if he wasn't tired, the answer was: “The pleasure of being seen by you suffices.”'

    为什么这种声的喧嚣和色的斑斓能打动福楼拜?福楼拜认为,生活本质上是混乱和喧嚣的,除了艺术作品,其他创造秩序的企图只是吹毛求疵和假正经,因而背离我们的现实生活。1851年9月,埃及之旅结束才几个月,他便到伦敦旅行。在给路易斯·科莱的信中,他谈及他的感受:“我们刚去了海格特墓地 [9] 。相形于埃及和伊特拉斯坎 [10] 的建筑,这墓地有太多矫饰和做作!它太过整饬,太过清洁!似乎墓里的人都是带着洁白的手套死去的。我讨厌墓地周围那些有着平整花圃且群花绽放的小花园。那种对称的布局在我看来似乎是源自于某部拙劣小说中的描写。至于墓地,我还是喜欢那些破败、坍塌和荒芜的墓地,其四围荆棘丛生,杂草疯长,还有一只从附近原野跑来的牛在那里悠闲地啃着嫩草。毫无疑问,这肯定比看到穿着制服的警察要强。秩序是多么荒谬的东西!”

    Why did the chaos, the richness, so touch Flaubert? Because of his belief that life is fundamentally chaotic and that, aside from art, attempts to create order imply a censorious and prudish denial of our condition. He expressed his feelings to his mistress Louise Colet in a letter written during a trip to London in September 1851, only a few months after his return from Egypt: 'We've just come back from a walk in Highgate cemetery. What gross corruption of Egyptian and Etruscan architecture it all is! How neat and tidy it is! The people in there seem to have died wearing white gloves. I hate little gardens around graves, with well-raked flower beds and flowers in bloom. This antithesis has always seemed to me to have come out of a bad novel. When it comes to cemeteries, I like those that are run-down, ravaged, in ruins, full of thorns or tall weeds and where a cow escaped from a neigbouring field has come to graze quietly. Admit that this is better than some policeman in uniform! How stupid order is!'






    Yesterday we were at a café which is one of the best in Cairo,' wrote Flaubert a few months after his arrival in the capital, 'and where there were at the same time as ourselves, inside, a donkey shitting and a gentleman pissing in a corner. No one finds that odd; no one says anything.' And, in Flaubert's eyes, they were right not to.

    福楼拜思想中的一个核心部分是,他认为人不仅仅是有思想的动物,同时也是需要拉屎撒尿的动物,我们必须把这种率直的理念纳入世界观。他对舍瓦利耶说:“我们的身体里有泥土和粪便,还有比猪和阴虱更卑劣的本性,我不相信它们包容着任何纯洁和精神的东西。”这并不是说人类没有任何高于动物的地方。只是福楼拜所处时代的伪善和假道学使他萌生心念,以人类的种种不足来警策世人。因此,他不时地会站在当众小便者的一边,有时,他甚至同情马奎斯·德·萨德[11] 的观点,为鸡奸、强奸、乱伦和未成年者性行为等作辩护。(他曾对舍瓦利耶说:“我刚读了知名评论家让宁关于萨德的传记文章。这文章使我心生憎恶——是对让宁的憎恶,因为很显然,他是在以仁慈、道义和被奸污的处女的立场进行说教……”)

    Central to Flaubert's philosophy was the belief that we are not simply spiritual creatures, but also pissing and shitting ones and that we should integrate the ramifications of this blunt idea into our view of the world. 'I can't believe that our body, composed as it is of mud and shit and equipped with instincts lower than those of the pig or the crab-louse, contains anything pure and immaterial,' he told Ernest Chevalier. Which wasn't to say that we were without any higher dimensions. It was just that the prudery and self-righteousness of the age aroused in Flaubert a desire to remind others of mankind's impurities. And occasionally to take the side of café urinators-or even the Marquis de Sade, advocate of buggery, incest, rape and underage sex. ('I've just read a biographical article about de Sade by [the famous critic] Janin,' he informed Chevalier, 'which filled me with revulsion-revulsion against Janin, needless to say; who held forth on behalf of morality, philanthropy, deflowered virgins…')


    Flaubert found and welcomed in Egyptian culture a readiness to accept life's duality: shit-mind, death-life, sexuality-purity, madness-sanity. People belched to their hearts' content in restaurants. A boy of six or seven, passing Flaubert in a Cairo street, cried out in greeting, 'I wish you all kinds of prosperity, especially a long prick.' Edward Lane also noticed this duality, though reacted to it more in the manner of Janin than of Flaubert: 'The most immodest freedom of conversation is indulged in by persons of both sexes, and of every station of life, in Egypt; even by the most virtuous and respectable women. From persons of the best education, expressions are often heard so obscene as only to be fit for a low brothel; and things are named, and subjects talked of, by the most genteel women, without any idea of their being indecorous, in the hearing of men, that many prostitutes in our country would probably abstain from mentioning.'




    One of the finest things is the camel,' wrote Flaubert from Cairo. 'I never tire of watching this strange beast that lurches like a donkey and sways its neck like a swan. Its cry is something that I wear myself out trying to imitate-I hope to bring it back with me-but it's hard to reproduce-a rattle with a kind of tremulous gargling as an accompaniment.' A few months after leaving Egypt, he wrote to a family friend listing all that had most impressed him in the country: the Pyramids, the temple at Karnak, the Valley of the Kings, some dancers in Cairo, a painter called Hassan el Bilbeis. 'But my real passion is the camel (please don't think I'm joking), nothing has a more singular grace than this melancholic animal. You have to see a group of them in the desert when they advance in single file across the horizon, like soldiers; their necks stick out like those of ostriches, and they keep going, going … '


    Why did Flaubert admire the camel so much? Because he identified with its stoicism and ungainliness. He was touched by its sad expression, and the combination of awkwardness and fatalistic resilience. The people of Egypt seemed to share some of the qualities of the camel: a silent strength and humility that contrasted with the bourgeois arrogance of Flaubert's Normand neighbours.


    Flaubert had since boyhood resented the optimism of his countrya resentment expressed in Madame Bovary in the description of the cruel scientific faith of the most detestable character, the pharmacist, Homaisand he held a predictably darker outlook: 'At the end of the day, shit. With that mighty word, you can console yourself for all human miseries, so I enjoy repeating it: shit, shit.' It was a philosophy reflected in the sad, noble yet slightly mischievous eyes of the Egyptian camel.

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