Special Mention
Yungang Grottoes is made up of three sections:Caves 1 to 4 are the east section,Caves 5 to 13 the central section,and Caves 14 to 45 the west section. As a convention.the tour usually begins from Caves 5 of the central section,one by one to Cave 45,then Caves 1 to 4 of the east section. Among all the caves,the five by Tan Yao are the most grand and majestic,whereas Cave 5,Cave 6,and Wuhua Caves are most colourful and rich in content as the cream of the art of Yungang Grottoes. Caves of the east and west sections are works of a later time.
云冈石窟分成东区、中区和西区三大部分。第1至4窟为东部,第5至13' 窟为中部,第14至45窟为西部。传统的参观路线是先从中部的第5窟开始参观一直到第45窟,然后再参观石冈石窟东部的第1至第4窟。众多的洞窟中以昙曜五窟气势最为雄伟。第5、第6窟和五华洞内容丰富多彩,是云冈石窟艺术的精华。东部和西部窟群属于晚期作品。