Mt. Huangshan is geologically that of fully developed granite,with faults and cracks interlacing each other to form various amazing caves and crevices. Located in the zone of subtropical monsoon,the temperature drop as the altitude increases. Meanwhile,there is a sharp difference between the amount of sunshine,and the local terrain is the dominating factor of the local weather,name1y the distinctive mountain monsoon climate:foggy,humid,and rainy. The vertical zonality of the soils is obvious:yellow mountain soil below 900m above sea level, yellow brown soil at the altitude from 900m一1 600 m,and alpine meadow soil at the flat tops 1600m一1 840m above sea level.
黄山山体的花岗岩体发育完整,断裂和裂隙纵横交错,形成瑰丽多姿的洞穴、孔道。黄山处于亚热带季风气候区内,山高吞深,气温垂直递减。同时,北坡和南坡受阳光的辐射差大,局部地形对其气候起主导作用。形成了特殊的山区季风小气候—一云雾多、湿度大、降水多。黄山土壤的垂直分布地带特性明显,海拔900米以下为山地黄壤,900一1 600米为山地黄棕壤,1 600一1 840米为山顶平台地域的高山草甸土。