When the time came to leave Egypt, Flaubert was distraught. 'When will I see a palm tree again? When will I climb on a dromedary again? … ' he asked, and for the rest of his life, he was to return constantly to the country in his mind. A few days before his death in 1880, he told his niece Caroline: 'For the past two weeks I have been gripped by the longing to see a palm-tree standing out against a blue sky, and to hear a stork clacking its beak at the top of a minaret.'
Flaubert's lifelong relationship with Egypt seems like an invitation to deepen and respect our attraction to certain countries. From his adolescence onwards, Flaubert insisted that he was not French. His hatred of his country and its people was so profound, it made a mockery of his civil status. And hence he proposed a new way of ascribing nationality: not according to the country one was born in or to which one's family belonged, but according to the places to which one was attracted. (It was only logical for him to extend this more flexible concept of identity to gender and species and for him to declare on occasion that, contrary to appearances, he was in truth a woman, a camel and a bear. 'I want to buy myself a beautiful bear, a painting of one, frame it and hang it in my bedroom, with written beneath it Portrait of Gustave Flaubert to suggest my moral disposition and social habits.')
Flaubert's first development of the idea that he belonged somewhere other than France came in a letter written as a schoolboy on his return from a holiday in Corsica: 'I'm disgusted to be back in this damned country where you see the sun in the sky about as often as a diamond in a pig's arse. I don't give a shit for Normandy and la belle France … I think I must have been transplanted by the winds to this land of mud; surely I was born elsewhere-I've always had what seem like memories or intuitions of perfumed shores and blue seas. I was born to be the emperor of Cochin-China, to smoke 100-foot pipes, to have 6,000 wives and 1,400 catamites, scimitars to slice off heads I don't like the look of, Numidian horses, marble pools … '
The alternative to la belle France may have been impractical, but the underlying principle of the letter, the belief that he had been 'transplanted by the winds', was to find repeated and more reasoned expression in his maturity. On his return from Egypt, Flaubert attempted to explain his theory of national identity (but not of species or gender) to Louise Colet ('my sultan'): 'As for the idea of a native country, that is to say, of a certain bit of ground traced out on a map and separated from others by a red or blue line: no. My native country is for me the country that I love, that is, the one that makes me dream, that makes me feel well. I am as much Chinese as French, and I don't rejoice about our victories over the Arabs because I'm saddened by their defeats. I love those harsh, enduring, hardy people, the last of the primitives, who at midday, lie down in the shade under the bellies of their camels, and while smoking their chibouks, poke fun at our good civilization, which quivers with rage about it … '
Louise replied that she found it absurd to think of Flaubert as being either Chinese or Arab, and so, in a letter a few days later, the novelist returned to the charge with greater emphasis and irritation: 'I'm no more modern than ancient, no more French than Chinese, and the idea of a native country, that is to say, the imperative to live on one bit of ground marked red or blue on the map and to hate the other bits in green or black, has always seemed to me narrow-minded, blinkered and profoundly stupid. I am a soul brother to everything that lives, to the giraffe and to the crocodile as much as to man.'
我们,所有的人,都是因为风而四散各地,然后在一个国家出生,我们无法选择自己的出生之地;但是,和福楼拜一样,我们长大成人后,都有依据内心的忠诚来想象性地重造我们的国家身份的自由。如果我们厌烦了自己正式的国籍(在福楼拜的《成见词典》中,“法国”的解释是“看着旺多姆纪念碑,人们一定会因为自己是法国人而无比自豪”),我们可以回复到真正的自我,不再是诺曼底人,而更像是一个贝都因人 [15] ,在干热的南风中快乐地骑着骆驼,坐在快餐店里用餐,毫不忌讳身旁有驴子拉屎,也乐于参与爱德华·莱恩所谓的“淫秽而放肆的谈话”。
We have all, without choosing, been scattered at birth by the wind on to a country, but, like Flaubert, we are in adulthood granted the freedom imaginatively to re-create our identity in line with our true allegiances. When weary with our official nationality (from Flaubert's Dictionary of Received Ideas : FRENCH 'How proud one is to be French when one looks at the Colonne Vendôme'), we may withdraw to the parts of ourselves that are more bedouin than Normand, that delight in riding on a camel through a khamsin, in sitting in cafés beside shitting donkeys and in engaging in what Edward Lane called 'licentious conversation'.
When he was asked where he came from, Socrates said not from Athens but from the world. Flaubert was from Rouen (in his youthful account, a place drowning in 'merde' and where the good citizens 'wank themselves silly' on a Sunday from boredom), and yet Abu-Chanab, the Father of the Moustache, might have answered, perhaps a little from Egypt too.