旅行的艺术:风景 Ⅴ 乡村与城市-6
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    Why? Why would proximity to a cataract, a mountain or any other part of nature render one less likely to experience 'enmities and low desires' than proximity to crowded streets?

    湖区提供了我们一些线索。我和M在这里的第一个早晨起得很早,到“凡人”旅馆的早点室享用早餐。它的墙漆上一层粉红色,从窗口向外望出,是一个茂密的山谷。外面下着大雨,但房东向我们保证,这不过是一场过路雨。他接着为我们呈上了粥,并提醒我们早餐若想加蛋必须额外付费。录音机正在播放秘鲁的管乐,并且穿插亨德尔 [7] 《弥赛亚》片断。我们用过早点后,把背包整理好,随即开车到安布赛德镇采购一些背包行走的必用品,如指南针、防水地图套、水、巧克力和三明治。

    The Lake District offered suggestions. M and I rose early on our first morning and went down to the Mortal Man's breakfast room, which was painted pink and overlooked a luxuriant valley. It was raining heavily, but the landlord assured us, before serving us porridge and informing us that eggs would cost extra, that this was but a passing shower. A tape recorder was playing Peruvian pipe music, interspersed with highlights of Handel's Messiah. Having eaten, we packed a rucksack and drove to the town of Ambleside, where we bought a few items to take with us on a walk: a compass, a waterproof map holder, water, chocolate and some sandwiches.


    Little, Ambleside had the bustle of a metropolis. Lorries were noisily unloading their goods outside shops, there were placards everywhere advertising restaurants and hotels, and though it was still early the teashops were full. On racks outside newsagents, the papers carried the latest development in a political scandal in London.


    A few miles north-west of the town, in the Great Langdale valley, the atmosphere was transformed. For the first time since arriving in the Lake District, we were in deep countryside, where nature was more in evidence than humans. On either side of the path stood a number of oak trees. Each one grew far from the shadow of its neighbour, in fields so appetizing to sheep as to have been eaten down to a perfect lawn. The oaks were of noble bearing: they did not trail their branches on the ground like willows, nor did their leaves have the dishevelled appearance of certain poplars, which can look from close-up as though they have been awoken in the middle of the night and not had time to fix their hair. Instead they gathered their lower branches tightly under themselves while their upper branches grew in small orderly steps, producing a rich green foliage in an almost perfect circle-like an archetypal tree drawn by a child.


    The rain, which continued to fall confidently despite the promises of the landlord, gave us a sense of the mass of the oaks. From under their damp canopy, rain could be heard falling on 40,000 leaves, creating a harmonious pitter-patter, varying in pitch according to whether water dripped on to a large or a small leaf, a high or a low one, one loaded with accumulated water or not. The trees were an image of ordered complexity: the roots patiently drew nutrients from the soil, the capillaries of their trunks sent water twenty-five metres upwards, each branch took enough but not too much for the needs of its own leaves, each leaf contributed to the maintenance of the whole. The trees were an image of patience too, for they would sit out this rainy morning and the many that would follow it without complaint, adjusting themselves to the slow shift of the seasons-showing no ill-temper in a storm, no desire to wander from their spot for an impetuous journey across to another valley; content to keep their many slender fingers deep in the clammy soil, metres from their central stems and far from the tallest leaves which held the rainwater in their palms.


    Wordsworth enjoyed sitting beneath oaks, listening to the rain or watching sunbeams fracture across their leaves. What he saw as the patience and dignity of the trees struck him as characteristic of Nature's works, which were to be valued for holding up:


    before the mind intoxicate


    With present objects, and the busy dance


    Of things that pass away, a temperate show


    Of objects that endure


    Nature would, he proposed, dispose us to seek out in life and in each other, 'Whate'er there is desirable and good'. She was an 'image of right reason' that would temper the crooked impulses of urban life.


    To accept even in part Wordsworth's argument may require that we accept a prior principle: that our identities are to a greater or lesser extent malleable; that we change according to whom-and sometimes what -we are with. The company of certain people excites our generosity and sensitivity, of others, our competitiveness and envy. A's obsession with status and hierarchy may-almost imperceptibly-lead B to worry about his significance. A's jokes may quietly lend assistance to B's hitherto submerged sense of the ridiculous. But move B to another environment and his concerns will subtly shift in relation to a new interlocutor.


    What may then be expected to occur to a person's identity in the company of a cataract or mountain, an oak tree or a celandine-objects which, after all, have no conscious concerns and so, it would seem, cannot either encourage or censor behaviour? And yet an inanimate object may, to come to the linchpin of Wordsworth's claim for the beneficial effects of nature, still work an influence on those around it. Natural scenes have the power to suggest certain values to us-oaks dignity, pines resolution, lakes calm-and, in unobtrusive ways, may therefore act as inspirations to virtue.


    In a letter written to a young student in the summer of 1802, while discussing the task of poetry, Wordsworth came close to specifying the values he felt Nature embodied: 'A great Poet … ought to a certain degree to rectify men's feelings … to render their feelings more sane, pure and permanent, in short, more consonant to Nature.'


    In every natural landscape, Wordsworth found instances of this sanity, purity and permanence. Flowers, for example, were models of humility and meekness.




    Sweet silent Creature!


    That breath'st with me in sun and air,


    Do thou, as thou art wont, repair


    My heart with gladness, and a share


    Of thy meek nature!


    Animals, for their part, were paragons of stoicism. Wordsworth at one point became quite attached to a bluetit that, even in the worst weather, sang in the orchard above Dove Cottage. During their first, freezing winter there, the poet and his sister were inspired by a pair of swans that were also new to the area and endured the cold with greater patience than the Wordsworths.


    An hour up the Langdale valley, the rain having abated, M and I hear a faint tseep, rapidly repeated, alternating with a louder tissip. Three meadow pipits are flying out of a patch of rough grass. A black-eared wheatear is looking pensive on a conifer branch, warming its pale sandy-buff feathers in the late summer sun. Stirred by something, it takes off and circles the valley, releasing a rapid and high-pitched schwer, schwee, schweeoo . The sound has no effect on a caterpillar walking strenuously across a rock, nor on the many sheep dotted over the valley floor.


    One of the sheep ambles towards the path and looks curiously at her visitors. Humans and sheep stare at one another in wonder. After a moment, the sheep sits down and takes a lazy mouthful of grass, chewing from the side of her mouth as though it was gum. Why am I me and she she? Another sheep approaches and lies next to her companion, wool to wool, and for a second they exchange what appears to be a knowing, mildly amused glance.


    A few metres ahead, inside a deep green bush that grows down to a stream, comes a noise like that of a lethargic old man clearing his throat after a heavy lunch. This is followed by an incongruously frantic rustle, as though someone were rifling through a bed of leaves in an irritated search for a valuable possession. But on noticing that it has company, the creature falls silent, the tense silence of a child holding its breath at the back of a clothes cupboard during a game of hide-and-seek. In Ambleside, people are buying newspapers and eating scones. And here, buried in a bush, is a thing, probably with fur, perhaps a tail, interested in eating berries or flies, scurrying in the foliage, grunting-and yet still for all its oddities a contemporary, a fellow sleeping and breathing creature alive on this singular planet in a universe otherwise made up chiefly of rocks and vapours and silence.


    One of Wordsworth's poetic ambitions was to induce us to see the many animals living alongside us whom we typically ignore, registering them only out of the corner of our eyes, having no appreciation of what they are up to and want: shadowy, generic presences; the bird up on the steeple, the rustling creature in the bush. He invited his readers to abandon their usual perspectives and to consider for a time how the world might look through other eyes, to shuttle between the human and natural perspective. Why might this be interesting, or even inspiring? Perhaps because unhappiness can stem from having only one perspective to play with. A few days before travelling to the Lake District I had happened upon a nineteenth-century book that discussed Wordsworth's interest in birds and in its preface hinted at the benefits of the alternative perspective they offered:


    I am sure it would give much pleasure to many of the public if the local, daily and weekly press throughout this country would always record, not only the arrivals and departures of Lords, Ladies, MPs and the great people of this land, but also the arrivals and departures of birds.


    If we are pained by the values of the age or of the élite, it can be a source of relief to come upon reminders of the diversity of life on the planet, to hold in mind that, alongside the business of the great people of the land, there are also pipits tseeping in meadows.


    Looking back on Wordsworth's early poems, Coleridge would assert that their genius had been to:


    give the charm of novelty to things of every day, and to excite a feeling analogous to the supernatural, by awakening the mind's attention from the lethargy of custom, and directing it to the loveliness and wonders of the world before us; an inexhaustible treasure, but for which, in consequence of the film of familiarity and selfish solicitude we have eyes, yet see not, ears that hear not, and hearts that neither feel nor understand.


    Nature's 'loveliness' might in turn, according to Wordsworth, encourage us to locate the good in ourselves. Two people standing on the edge of a rock overlooking a stream and a grand wooded valley might transform their relationship not just with nature but, as significantly, with each other.


    There are concerns that seem indecent when one is in the company of a cliff; others to which cliffs naturally lend their assistance, their majesty encouraging the steady and highminded in ourselves, their size teaching us to respect with good grace and an awed humility all that surpasses us. It is of course still possible to feel envy for a colleague before a mighty cataract. It is just, if the Wordsworthian message is to be believed, a little more unlikely. Wordsworth argued that, through a life spent in nature, his character had been shaped to resist competition, envy and anxiety-and so he celebrated,


    … that first I looked


    At Man through objects that were great or fair;


    First communed with him by their help. And thus


    Was founded a sure safeguard and defence


    Against the weight of meanness, selfish cares,


    Coarse manners, vulgar passions, that beat in


    On all sides from the ordinary world


    In which we traffic

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