1.Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation.
重点词语:hedge n.①保护或防御的方法 ②套期保值 v.保护,防范;避开,回避
商务用语:buying hedge 买期保值,买入对冲
selling hedge 卖期保值,卖出对冲
hedge one's bets 为防止损失两面下注
2.The old business Corp is a hierarchy.
重点词语:hierarchy n.层次,层级
商务用语:a sense of hierarchy 等级观念
relational hierarchy 关系层次
3.Why don't you hire out your spare room to other people, and earn some money?
重点词语:hire n.①租金,工钱 ②租用,雇用 v.①雇用 ②出租 ③受雇
商务用语:be in the hire of somebody 受雇于某人
on/for hire 出租来源:www.examda.com
work for hire 雇工
hire a new clerk 雇佣新职员
4.The company was hit hard by the recession.
重点词语:hit v./n.击中,到达
商务用语:hit up for a loan 请求贷款
make a hit 大获成功,很受欢迎;轰动一时
5.The holder of the office of chairman is responsible for arranging meeting.
重点词语:holder n.持有者,占有者
商务用语:holder of record 注册股票持有人
account holder 账户持有人;主顾
a share holder 股票持有人
bond holder 债券持有人