1.They introduced the new product in several test markets.
重点词语:introduce v.介绍,提出
商务用语:introduce a guest into the office 把客人领进办公室
introduce new technique 采用新技术
introduce oneself 做自我介绍
2.Some stores inventory their stock once a month.
重点词语:inventory n.①详细目录,财产清册 ②库存 ③总量 v.清查,盘存
商务用语:annual inventory of fixed assets 固定资产每年清查
buffer inventory 用于应付突发性需求的存货
capacity inventory 用于将来某时使用的存货
cycle inventory 循环盘存
3.The state has planned to invest two millions in the dam.
重点词语:invest v.购买,投资
商务用语:invest in 投资于;[口]买进
invest in real estate 投资于房地产
invest money in business enterprise 投资于工商企业
invest heavily in an enterprise 对某企业进行大量投资
4.A signed invoice presumes receipt of the shipment.
重点词语:invoice n.①发票,发货单 ②货物 v.①开发票 ②记清单
商务用语:invoice-book 进货簿;发票存根
invoice-specification 发票明细单
cancelled invoice 已注销的发票
cash invoice 现购发票
5.His difficulties in his work issue from his lack of experience.
重点词语:issue n. v.①发行,(报刊等)期 ②问题 v.①发行(钞票,股票等) ②引起 ③出版
商务用语:anniversary issue 周年纪念特刊,纪念专号
initial issue (债券等的)首次发行
bonus issue 红利股(即作为红利发行的股票)
capital issue 股票发行
相关专题: 商务英语专题