1.One of the company directors was appointed liquidator.
重点词语:liquidator n.①清算人 ②公司资产清理人
商务用语:representative liquidator 代理清算人
provisional liquidator 临时清算人
2.Members of the Stock Exchange only deal in listed securities.
重点词语:listed adj.登记注册的
商务用语:listed company 上市公司;交易所挂牌公司
listed securities 上市证券
3.The shop was selling goods above the list price.
重点词语:list price ①建议零售价 ②定价
商务用语:the manufacturer's list price 制造商的价目
4.Have you got any literature on the new car?
重点词语:literature n.①书面资料 ②印刷宣传品
商务用语:descriptive literature 商品说明书,推广品
product literature 厂商产品资料
5.Both parties agreed to settle their claim out of court rather than litigate.
重点词语:litigate v.①提出诉讼,打官司 ②争论
商务用语:litigate a claim against somebody for negligence 对…的过失提起诉讼
litigate an issue 就…问题提起诉讼
相关专题: 商务英语专题