Work in pairs. What benefits does your partner’s company offer?
benefits provided for all our staff include 向全体员工提供的福利包括
defined benefit 固定福利
employee services benefits 雇员服务福利
employee stock ownership plan(ESOP) 员工持股计划
supplement pay benefits 补充报酬福利
supplemental unemployment benefits 补充失业福利
business travel accident insurance 公差意外险
health care benefits 健康保健福利
retail vouchers 购物券
disability insurance 残疾保险
How flexible benefits work弹性福利制度的运作
How important are benefits to you when considering a job offer?
employee’s pension insurance gives you a sense of security (retirement income
insurance) 职工退休养老保险(退休收入保险)给你一种安全感
additional holidays help me to relax 额外休假可使你得到放松
a company car ensures easy mobility 公司提供的汽车确保你来去方便
individual accident insurance 个人伤害保险
unemployment insurance (jobless insurance) 失业保险
medical expense insurance 医疗费保险
The advantages of flexible benefits弹性福利制度的优点
The role of appraisal 评估的任务
benefits system 福利制度
day care 日间托儿所
childcare 儿童保育、托儿的
annual leave 年假
company car公司配给的汽车
benefits package一揽子福利、福利套餐(指工资之外的福利,如健康保险、住房或股票等)
base pay 基本工资
benefit premium (基本工资外的)福利津贴
reward 报酬、奖金
core benefits 核心福利项目
additional benefits funding 附加福利基金
life assurance 人寿保险
accident insurance 意外险
health insurance健康保险
medical insurance 医疗保险
monthly pay月薪
call center 呼叫中心、电话中心
bulk discount 大宗购买折扣、批量折扣
bargaining power 议价能力、讨价还价的能力
provider 供应商
payroll 员工薪水名册、在职人员工资表
optional 可供选择的
recruitment 招聘、征募员工
lump sum 一次性(付款)
stuff turnover 人员流动率、人员更新
pension scheme 养老金计划、退休金计划(也作pension plan)
consultancy 咨询公司、顾问公司
roadside show 路演、路演推介会(也作 roadshow)