3. 表达观点Opinion
Do you agree with me?/您同意我的看法吗?
What do you suggest we do about this?/您对我们的做法有什么建议 吗?
What do you think of the new marketing manager?/您认为新来的市 场部经理怎么样?
What do you think?/您怎么看?
What's your opinion on this?/您对此有何高见?
What's your view on this?/您对此有何看法? 相当肯定地表达观点
I definitely think that price is usually the winner./我一直认为是价格说 了算。
I firmly believe that there's a fairly easy way to improve the process./我 坚信有比较简单的改进生产过程的方法。
I really feel this new product will be really popular./我确信这个新产品 将会非常畅销。
I'm absolutely sure that there's a glitch in the operating system./我敢肯 定操作系统有故障。
I'm certain that you'd be the perfect candidate for the position./我认为您 是这个职位的最佳人选。
I believe you'd be the perfect candidate for the position./我觉得您会是 这个职位的最佳人选。
I don't think it would be sensible for us to reject his offer./我认为我们拒绝他的条件不明智。
I think we should postpone a decision./我想我们应该推迟做决定。
I think your figure should stay the same./我认为你们的数字应该维持不变。
I'm sure it will be delightful./这一定很不错。
In my opinion, it might be better if we discussed their design before they
got here./依我看,在他们来之前我们先讨论一下他们的设计会更好些。
In my view,6%is a little high./要我说,6%有点高了。