6. 建议和劝告Suggestion and Advice
Can I ask your advice about something?/您能帮我出出主意吗?
Can we provide for this with our working capital?/我们能用流动资本 来补充吗?
Do you want to go to the Forbidden City, and the Temple of Heaven if
time permits?/我们去故宫怎样?如果有时间还能去天坛。
Have you thought of taking them to a show?/您考虑过带他们去看演 出吗?
Shall I organize a barbecue on Saturday?/我组织一个周六烧烤会怎 样?
Shall we start right into our meeting?/现在我们的会议可以开始吗?
We could consider ordering more./我们可以考虑多订一些。
What do you think I should do?/您认为我该怎么做?
You could ask Simon if he wants to come./您可以问西蒙是否愿意 来。
How about 550 units for$196 each?/550套的话,每套196美元如何?
I suggest you try again later./我建议您再试试。
I think you should reconsider./我想您应该再考虑考虑。
I'd recommend you to have a rest./我建议您休息一下。
If I were you I would buy a smaller car./如果我是您,我会购买一辆小 型汽车。
Try to be more prepared next time./下回准备更充分些。
What if I talked to our shipping partner?/我和船运公司谈谈怎样?
Why don't we do a SWOT?/我们何不做一个SWOT(一种辅助决策 的战略分析方法)分析?
Why not give him a call?/干吗不给他打个电话?
You had better use a catchy subject./您最好写一个吸引人的标题。
You need to start with the cost codes./您需要从成本代码入手。
You ought to get the machine serviced./您该把这台机器拿去修了。
You should have a word with your boss./您应该和您上司好好谈谈。