13. 强调重要性Importance
Be sure to put down the address of the receiver clearly./注意要把收件 人的地址写清楚。
It's because we've cut costs that our profits have raised./正因为我们削 减了成本,利润才得以上升。
It's important to get through all of the papers./重要的一点是要完成所 有论文。
Make sure it doesn't happen again./下不为例。
Make sure you check all the equipment./一定要检查所有的设备。
One of the first things we've got to do is getting rid of that surplus./我们 首先要做的事情之一,就是处理掉积压的存货。
That's where we need to focus our marketing./那正是我们的营销重点 所在。
The best thing about this product is that it works in both Chinese and
The first thing we will need is a copy of your current balance sheet./首 先需要的就是一份你们目前的资产负债表。