商务写作实用短句14. 做比较Comparison
教程:BEC初级  浏览:424  
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    14. 做比较Comparison


    Edward speaks Japanese just as well as Freda./爱德华的日语说得和弗 雷达一样好。

    I earn the same as I did two years ago./我和两年前挣得一样多。

    I'm not as busy now as I was last month./我现在没有上个月忙。

    We don't sell as much as we used to./我们没有过去卖得多。

    We're as big as our main competitor./我们和我们的主要竞争对手规模 一样大。


    I think my arguments were more persuasive than hers./我觉得我的观点 比她的更有说服力。

    She's much more computer-savvy than her colleagues./她比她的同事们 更懂计算机。

    We have fewer customers than we used to have./我们的顾客比过去少 了。

    You're more experienced in these matters than I am./您在这些事情上比 我更有经验。


    It will run much more efficiently if we get it serviced./这个如果拿去修 修会运转得更好。

    It will take much less time if we send it express./用快递寄会快得多。

    It's far less profitable to sell via an agent./通过代理商销售利润少多 了。

    We sold slightly more this year than last year./我们今年比去年卖得多 一点。


      上一篇:商务写作实用短句13. 强调重要性Importance 下一篇:商务写作实用短句15. 比较数据Data

