商务写作实用短句19. 说明数字Number
教程:BEC初级  浏览:765  
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    19. 说明数字Number


    My garden is about 30 feet long and 20 feet wide./我的花园长约30英 尺,宽约20英尺。

    The central park covers an area of 720,000 square meters./中央公园的 占地面积是72万平方米。

    The floor area is only around 500 square feet./总面积只有大约500平方 英尺。

    The new golf resort covers more than 400 acres of land./新高尔夫球场 的占地面积是400多英亩。


    Did you hear that the unemployment rate has dropped to below 2%?/您 听说了吗?失业率已经下降到2%以下了。

    He decided to invest 30 percent of his savings in the stock market./他决 定把自己存款的30%投资到股市中。

    Her new house is about five times bigger than her old one./她的新房子 比旧房子大五倍。

    His fortune has more than tripled in the past six months./在过去的六个 月里,他的财富暴增至原来的三倍多。

    Our company's earnings rose by 10%this quarter./这个季度我们公司的 盈利增加了10%。

    Our European market share has dropped 2%over the past year./去年一 年我们在欧洲的市场占有率下降了将近2%。

    The price of oil has doubled in less than two years./不到两年,石油的 价格翻了一番。


    Last month, approximately two-thirds of all transactions were made

    through our website—an increase of one-third from a year ago./上个月我们 网站的交易额接近总交易额的2/3,比去年增长了1/3。

    Online purchases accounted for some four-fifths of last month's sales


    What proportion of your income do you spend on food?/您在食品上的 花费占收入的比例是多少?


    Gary said he has a grade point average of about 3.95./加里说他的平均 分大概是3.95。

    I get an average of eight hours of sleep per night./我平均每天睡8小 时。

    The average annual temperature here is 20 degrees Celsius./这里的年平 均气温是20摄氏度。

    The average lifespan has risen in the past 25 years./在过去的25年间, 平均寿命有所增加。

    The average precipitation in April is 64 millimeters./4月的平均降水量 是64毫米。

    The report shows our average daily sales were$8125./报告显示,我们 的日均销售额达到了8125美元。


      上一篇:商务写作实用短句18. 说明数量Quantity 下一篇:商务写作实用短句20. 说明金钱Money

