20. 说明金钱Money
After switching jobs, his monthly salary jumped from RMB 20,000
yuan to RMB 30,000 yuan./换工作后,他的月收入从2万元涨到3万元人 民币。
Her company suffered a net loss of 12 million euro last year./她的公司 去年净亏损1,200万欧元。
His income last year totaled approximately$80,000./他去年的总收入 接近8万美元。
I bought a new bicycle in China for RMB 500 yuan./我在中国花500元 人民币买了一辆新的自行车。
In some countries, sales tax is included in marked prices./在一些国家, 商品的售价里是包含销售税金的。
It should be feasible to set a manufacturer's price of at least$500./我们 应该把出厂价定为至少500美元才比较合理。
Much to my surprise, the estimated market value is up 60%from the last
appraisal five years ago!/让我大吃一惊的是,估计市价比五年前的评估 增加了60%。
The retail value of the new software should be somewhere between$600