21. 说明质地Texture
As usual, please use the 70-pound bond paper with matte finish./请用和 以往一样的70磅亚光文件纸。
I bought all the ingredients needed to make a cherry pie./我买了制作樱 桃派需要的所有原料。
I prefer matte finish photographs to glossy ones./比起光面照片我更喜 欢亚光的。I want to buy some mahogany furniture./我想买一些桃花心木 家具。
I'm attaching a high-resolution image of our revised corporate brochure./ 通过附件发给您一份我公司新的宣传册的图片,该图片是高分辨率的。
Please make sure to print the letters on 25%cotton paper./请用含棉25% 的纸打印这封信。
The customer's new specifications for the T-shirts are 90%cotton and
10%polyester, rather than 100%cotton./那位客户把原定的T恤衫的面料质 地由100%纯棉改成90%棉加10%涤纶。
The greeting cards I bought are made from 80%recycled paper./我买的 贺卡80%是用再生纸做的。
Their new house was constructed primarily of glass and steel./他们的新 房子主要是用玻璃和钢材建造的。