dispose: v. to arrange things or people in a particular way or position;2、~ sb to / toward(s) sth to make sb behave in a particular way;
solvent: n. a substance, especially a liquid, that can dissolve another substance;adj. having enough money to pay your debts; not in debt;
shelved: v. to decide not to continue with a plan, either for a short time or permanently;2、to put books, etc. on a shelf;3、(of land) to slope downwards;
roumours: n. a piece of information, or a story, that people talk about, but that may not be true;v. be rumoured to be reported as a rumour and possibly not true;
revealing: adj. giving you interesting information that you did not know before;2、(of clothes) allowing more of sb’s body to be seen than usual;
truffle: n. 1、an expensive type of fungus that grows underground, used in cooking;2、a soft round sweet / candy made of chocolate;
tailor: n. a person whose job is to make men’s clothes, especially sb who makes suits, etc. for individual customers;v. to make or adapt sth for a particular purpose, a particular person, etc.;
elegant:adj.1、 (of people or their behaviour) attractive and showing a good sense of style;2、(of clothes, places and things) attractive and designed well;3、(of a plan or an idea) clever but simple;ele•gance:n. elegantly:adv.
production facility:生产场所,生产基地
dismiss:vt. 简单(迅速地)处理,不认真考虑,解雇,开除
personality clash:个性不和
loss-making operation:亏损企业
flagship training center:总部培训中心
interim profit:中期利润
shake-up:n.(政策等)剧变, 大改组
haulage system:运输系统
corporate hospitality:企业社交,企业公关
competitive rates:有竞争力的价格
en suite bedroom:卧室套间