ethical:adj.1、connected with beliefs and principles about what is right and wrong;2、morally correct or acceptable;
discerning: adj. able to show good judgement about the quality of sb/sth;
coherent: adj.1、(of ideas, thoughts, arguments, etc.) logical and well organized; easy to understand and clear;2、(of a person) able to talk and express yourself clearly;
disciplinary: adj. connected with the punishment of people who break rules;
underpin: v. 1(formal) to support or form the basis of an argument, a claim, etc.;2、(technical) to support a wall by putting metal, concrete, etc. under it; compatible: adj. 1、(of machines, especially computers) able to be used together:;2、(of ideas, methods or things) able to exist or be used together without causing problems;3、if two people are compatible, they can have a good relationship because they have similar ideas, interests, etc.;
dictate: v.1、to say words for sb else to write down;2、to tell sb what to do, especially in an annoying way;3、to control or influence how sth happens;
confronted:v. 1、(of problems or a difficult situation) to appear and need to be dealt with by sb;2、to deal with a problem or difficult situation;3、to face sb so that they cannot avoid seeing and hearing you, especially in an unfriendly or dangerous situation;4、confront sb with sb/sth to make sb face or deal with an unpleasant or difficult person or situation;5、be confronted with sth to have sth in front of you that you have to deal with or react to;
fraud: n. 1[U, C] the crime of cheating sb in order to get money or goods illegally;、2、[C] a person who pretends to have qualities, abilities, etc. that they do not really have in order to cheat other people;3、[C] something that is not as good, useful, etc. as people claim it is
harass: v. [often passive] to annoy or worry sb by putting pressure on them or saying or doing unpleasant things to them;2、to make repeated attacks on an enemy;harassment:n.
morale: n. the amount of confidence and enthusiasm, etc. that a person or a group has at a particular time;
obstacle: n. 1、obstacle (to sth / to doing sth) a situation, an event, etc. that makes it difficult for you to do or achieve sth;2、an object that is in your way and that makes it difficult for you to move forward;
abate:v. to become less strong; to make sth less strong; abatement:n
aspirations: n. [C, usually pl., U] aspiration (for sth) | aspiration (to do sth) a strong desire to have or do sth;2、[U] (phonetics) the action of pronouncing a word with an /h/ sound, as in house;
ethical procedure:合乎职业道德的做法
pay disoute:工资纠纷
staff morale:员工士气
technicalities:n. 专门名称,术语