重点词语:set v.树立,规定 n.一套,一批;趋势 adj. 固定的;规定的
商务用语:set up 创立
set a value on 估价,评价
set bounds to 限制:恒星英语网
2.Everyone works several hours each day.
重点词语:several adj.几个的;不同的 pron.几个
商务用语:two several items 两个不同的项目
3.The jeweler showed the necklace to the customer.
重点词语:show n.表示;展览;外观 v.指示,说明,展出
商务用语:show bill 海报,招贴
show business 娱乐性行业
show case 陈列柜,橱窗
4.We often shop in Wangfujing Street.
重点词语:shop n.商店,店铺 vi.买东西,购货
商务用语:closed shop 限制行业(只允许本工会会员)
open shop 开放行业(非会员可从事的工作)
shop steward 工会管事
shopfloor 生产场所 http://www.hxen.com
5.Both parties have signed the contract!
重点词语:sign n.标记,符号 v.签名(于),署名(于)…,签署
商务用语:sign away 签名放弃
sign in 签到,记录到达时间,签收
sign on the dotted line 在虚线上签字,全部接受
sign over 签字移交One section of the class was reading and the other section was writing.
重点词语:section n.部分,区
商务用语:section foreman 领班
all sections of poeple 各界人民
show sth. in section 把某物以断面显示出来
6.They were selected from many applicants.
重点词语:select vt.选择,挑选 adj.精选的
商务用语:a select club 选择会员严格的俱乐部
be select in choosing one‘s friends 谨慎择友
7.I‘ll send down to the kitchen for coffee.
重点词语:send vt.送,寄,发送,派遣,打发
商务用语:send away for 函购
send in an account 开送账单,报账
send by dispatch 把(某物)作快件送发
send to the hammer 拿出去拍卖
8.He received a heavy sentence.
重点词语:separate vt.分开 adj.分开的;不同的
商务用语:separate estate 独有财产
separate maintenance 分居赡养费
separate the good ones from the bad ones 区分好坏
separate sth. into several portions 把某物分成几份