Good Books
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
鲁齐乌斯.安奈乌斯.塞内加(Lucius Annaeus Seneca,约前4—65),古罗马政治家、哲学家、悲剧作家、雄辩家、新斯多葛主义代表,主张无条件屈从神意和不可避免的命运。他曾任罗马帝国会计官和元老院元老以及古罗马暴君尼禄(Nero)的家庭教师和顾问。
本文选自塞内加的代表作《道德书简》(Letters from a Stoic: Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium)。该书是世人公认的必读书,书中信件多以作者本人或他人经历开头,然后从哲理的角度进行严肃的反思和深入的分析。本篇是塞内加写给友人的“书评”,这位哲人读到佳作后的欣喜之情跃然纸上。
The book you promised me has come. I was intending to read it at my convenience and I opened it on arrival without meaning to do any more than just get an idea of its contents. The next thing I knew the book itself had charmed me into a deeper reading of it there and then. How lucid its style is you may gather from the fact that I found the work light reading, although a first glance might well convey the impression that the writer was someone like Livy or Epicurus, its bulk being rather unlike you or me! It was so enjoyable, though, that I found myself held and drawn on until I ended up having read it right through to the end without a break. All the time the sunshine was inviting me out, hunger prompting me to eat, the weather threatening to break, but I gulped it all down in one sitting.
It was a joy, not just a pleasure, to read it. There was so much talent and spirit about it—I’d have said “forcefulness”, too, if it had been written on a quieter plane now and then and periodically raised on to a higher one; as it was there was no such forcefulness, but instead there was a sustained evenness of style. The writing was pure and virile—and yet not lacking in that occasional entertaining touch, that bit of light relief at the appropriate moment. The quality of nobility, of sublimity, you have; I want you to keep it, and to carry on just the way you’re doing.
It was a joy, not just a pleasure, to read it. There was so much talent and spirit about it—I’d have said “forcefulness”, too, if it had been written on a quieter plane now and then and periodically raised on to a higher one; as it was there was no such forcefulness, but instead there was a sustained evenness of style. The writing was pure and virile—and yet not lacking in that occasional entertaining touch, that bit of light relief at the appropriate moment. The quality of nobility, of sublimity, you have; I want you to keep it, and to carry on just the way you’re doing.
Your subject, also, contributed to the result—which is a reason why you should always select a fertile one, one that will engage the mind’s attention and stimulate it. But I’ll write and say more about the book when I’ve gone over it again. At the moment my judgment isn’t really a sufficiently settled one—it’s as if I’d heard it all rather than read it. You must let me go into it thoroughly, too. You needn’t be apprehensive; you’ll hear nothing but the truth. How fortunate you are in possessing nothing capable of inducing anyone to tell you a lie over a distance as great as the one that separates us—except that even in these circumstances when all reason for it is removed, we still find habit a reason for telling lies!
Lucius Annaeus Seneca 鲁齐乌斯•安奈乌斯•塞内加
[1] 蒂托.李维(Titus Livius,前59—17),古罗马著名历史学家,写过多部哲学和诗歌作品。
[2] 伊壁鸠鲁(Epicurus,前341—270),古希腊著名哲学家,快乐主义伦理学的代表人物,于公元前307年建立了自己的学派。