He was slowly walking up and down each aisle. Mr Stessman loved this kind of stuff -- theater in the round. He stopped next to Park's desk and leaned in casually with his hand on the back of Park's chair. Park stopped drawing and sat up straight. He couldn't draw anyway.
# Park #
"You're going to forget everything else I teach you," Mr Stessman said, petting his mustache. "Everything. Maybe you'll remember that Beowulf fought a monster. Maybe you'll remember that 'To be or not to be' is Hamlet, not Macbeth…
"So, you're going to memorize a poem," Mr Stessman continued, pausing a moment to smile down at Park like Gene Wilder in the chocolate factory.
史岱斯曼继续说:“因此,你们要背诵一首诗。”他停了一下,低头对帕克露出金·怀德看见巧克力工厂的那种笑容(9)。【注:(9)英国小说《查理与巧克力工厂》(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)翻拍的电影,主角为金·怀德(Gene Wilder)。】
"Brains love poetry. It's sticky stuff. You're going to memorize this poem, and five years from now, we're going to see each other at the Village Inn, and you'll say, 'Mr Stessman, I still remember /The Road Not Taken!/ Listen… /Two roads diverged in a yellow wood…/'"
"But everything else? Forget about it."
Mr Stessman was making them all memorize a poem, whatever poem they wanted. Well, whatever poem they picked.