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    The Joy of (Outdated) Facts


    Geoff Nicholson



    杰夫•尼科尔森(Geoff Nicholson,1953—),英国作家,文学期刊《界限》(Ambit)编辑。其作品继承了伊弗林.沃(Evelyn Waugh)的讽刺风格,以黑色幽默再现社会习俗。

    尼科尔森的代表作《猎人与收集者》(Hunters and Gatherers)、《食物链》(The Food Chain)、《流血的伦敦》(Bleeding London)都曾入围惠特布莱德奖(Whitbread Prize)。部分评论家甚至将其与《万有引力之虹》(Gravity’s Rainbow)的作者托马斯.品钦(Thomas Pynchon)相提并论。

    本文发表于2010年5月的《纽约时报》(The New York Times),从《吉尼斯世界纪录》(Guinness Book of Records)谈起,一直说到百科全书乃至网络搜索引擎。作者凭借诙谐幽默的语言,说明了所谓的“事实”是多么不可靠。但读罢此文,你会意识到,离谱的“事实”能带给人无限乐趣。

    The other day I realized I absolutely had to own a copy of the recently published facsimile of the first Guinness Book of Records from 1955 (limited edition of 5,000, mine is No. 177). It’s a fine book, and it gave me just want I wanted. Since I bought it, I’ve been regaling people with stories of Jacko, a dog owned by one Mr. J. Shaw of London that killed 1,000 rats in an hour and 40 minutes in May 1862; Mrs. Theresa Vaughan of Sheffield, who had had 61 bigamous marriages by the age of 24; and Dionsio Sanchez of Spain, who once drank 40 pints of wine in 59 minutes. It was a different world.

    A world in which, if the book’s preface is to be believed, men went into bars and argued about facts. Dreamed up by Sir Hugh Beaver, the chairman of the Guinness Brewery, the Guinness Book of Records was to be kept behind the bar and pulled out to settle disputes, like, apparently, those over how many entrechats Nijinsky could perform in a single elevation. (Ten, since you ask.)



    It took a while for me to understand why my need for the book had been so great, and then I realized, with a bit of a slap to the head, that for much of my life I’ve been accumulating “books of facts,” single volumes as well as multivolume sets. I also have eight random volumes of the 1969 World Book Encyclopedia, which I found on the street. Since I have the L volume, I can give you an idea of how the World Book editors thought things stood in London, Los Angeles and Luxembourg at that time, and what the prospects were for the lumber industry and for literature for children: Miriam Gurko’s Restless Spirit: The Life of Edna St. Vincent Millay, for example, comes highly recommended for “older boys and girls.” But don’t ask me about anything from D to K.

    As for why I’ve acquired these books, no doubt childhood trauma comes into it. While I grew up in an unbookish household, we did own (and I still have) a copy of Everybody’s Pocket Companion: A Handy Reference Book of Astronomical, Biblical, Chemical, Geographical, Geometrical, Historical, Mathematical, Physical, Remedial, and Scientific Facts, Dates Worth Knowing, World Sports and Speeds Records, Mythological, Physiological, Monetary, Postal and General Information. It’s undated but seems to be from the early 1950s. Within its small pages, you could learn the capitals of all the French colonies, “various trigonometrical formulae,” and how to remove a wet ink stain. (Steep it in milk.)



    Most of us, I suppose, like to think we have a good general knowledge. But knowledge is rarely “general” at all. It’s usually extremely specific. As an Englishman who’s been in the United States for well over a decade, I still find many of the questions on “Jeopardy!” distinctly parochial. You may know what American city has Chocolate Avenue running through it (Hershey, Pa.). But why would I? An American watching English quiz shows would feel equally adrift.

    Similarly, books of facts always display localized preferences, cultural values, sometimes straightforward prejudices. My New American Cyclopaedia (1872) tells me that in 1855 there were 25,858 people in New York who could neither read nor write, and 21,378 of them were Irish. This may well have been true, but why exactly did it need to be emphasized? Well, I think we might hazard a guess.



    With hindsight, we can always see through the dubious “authority” of such historical sources. Few things look as unstable as the rock-solid certainties of previous ages. Since encyclopedias are supposed to be balanced and disinterested, the bias often seems even more naked. Sometimes I wonder if the editors of my 1952 Encyclopaedia Britannica ever regretted their assessment of William Faulkner: “It is naturalism run to seed, for it means nothing...In the hands of Faulkner brute fact leads to little but folly and despair.” Certainly the current editors of the Britannica reckoned some serious updating was required. In the online edition, we now read, “Some critics...have found his work extravagantly rhetorical and unduly violent, and there have been strong objections, especially late in the 20th century, to the perceived insensitivity of his portrayals of women and black Americans.” Note, however, that instead of a lofty judgment, we’re now given the opinion of these shadowy “some critics.”


    The preface to the 1952 Britannica says “experience indicates” that 75 percent of its material needs updating “only at long intervals” while the other 25 percent “requires constant revision.” Now there are online changes every day, with markers in the database to denote the comparative “volatility” of the entries, the executive editor, Michael Levy, told me.

    However, changes are evidently still not to be undertaken lightly. According to the “article history,” the entry for Faulkner has been amended just four times since 2006, three of them the addition of Web site links. Wikipedia, where anyone can make changes, has a much more freewheeling attitude: 30 revisions for Faulkner in April 2010 alone, although some of them, of course, are simply undoing other people’s revisions.

    Keen scholars can use these histories to track how our knowledge about the world and everything in it changes over time, but the rest of us use Wikipedia and similar repositories of facts mainly as a quick and very blunt research tool. This has its pitfalls. A school librarian friend who teaches research skills tells me (with despair) that her greatest struggle is getting students to do more than tap into Google. The corollary is that kids have also told her with complete confidence that the moon landings were fake and that 9/11 was an inside job. Their proof: It says so online.



    敏锐的学者会利用这些词条历史,追踪我们对世界和万物的知识如何随着时间而变化,其他人则主要把维基百科和类似的知识库作为快速而笨拙的检索工具。这存在隐患。我有个朋友在学校图书馆工作,教授研究技巧。她曾绝望地告诉我,她最头疼的事是让学生不要只用谷歌搜索资料。只用谷歌搜索资料的必然结果是,孩子们言之凿凿地告诉她,登月是场骗局,9 •11事件其实是监守自盗。他们的证据是:网上是这么说的。

    It’s sometimes tempting to see the Internet as a free-for-all where facts, conspiracy theories and downright lies are created equal, but hierarchies of one kind or another still operate. The last time I looked, a Google search yielded about 350,000 results for Edna St. Vincent Millay and 1.5 million for William Faulkner—pretty good numbers, until you see that Lady Gaga gets over 70 million.The name Dionsio Sanchez (probably a misprint of the suspiciously appropriate Dionisio) yields just 9 results, not all of them for the record-breaking wine drinker. As a matter of fact, Sanchez no longer appears in Guinness World Records either. As the current editor in chief, Craig Glenday, has said: “We’re not going to encourage that sort of thing today. That’s how people get hurt.”

    Of course, ideas of what’s worth knowing, and even what’s interesting, are constantly changing: The fascination with trigonometrically formulas certainly seems to have receded. But in a world where ever fewer people care about, or even understand the nature of, fiction, where readers and viewers demand facts and reality, outdated books of supposedly impartial information can be a useful reminder of just how slippery facts are—as unreliable as the most unreliable narrator.

    将互联网视为对所有人免费开放的平台,事实、阴谋论和彻底的谎言在网上平等存在,有时这么想很诱人,但这样那样的等级制度仍然存在。上次我看的时候,谷歌搜出了35万条关于埃德娜•圣文森特•米莱和150万条关于威廉•福克纳的结果——这是够多的,但你看到Lady Gaga的搜索结果有7000多万条之后,就会觉得它不值一提了。不过,迪恩西奥•桑切斯(或许印错了,怀疑是迪奥尼西奥)只有9个搜索结果,还不都是那个破纪录的酒徒。事实上,桑切斯已经不在《吉尼斯世界纪录》上了。《吉尼斯世界纪录》的现任主编克雷格•格伦迪说过:“现在我们不鼓励人们去做那种事,因为人们会受伤害。”


    Douglas Adams once told me that shortly before he wrote The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy he was working on a screenplay with the premise that all human civilization had been obliterated, except for a single copy of the Guinness book. Aliens from another planet tried to use it to reconstruct what life on Earth had been like: people sitting atop poles for 152 days at a time, eating 77 hamburgers at a sitting, talking nonstop for 127 hours.

    The movie was never made, which I think was a great shame. The poster could have been emblazoned with the words “based on a true story.” All the facts were right there in the book, and you can’t argue with facts, can you?




    Geoff Nicholson 杰夫•尼科尔森

    [1] 瓦斯拉夫.尼金斯基(Vaslav Nijinsky,1890—1950),震撼世界芭蕾舞坛的俄罗斯奇才。

    [2] 原文如此,事实上尼金斯基跳跃一次能在空中做12次这个动作。

    [3] 伦敦(London)、洛杉矶(Los Angeles)、卢森堡(Luxembourg)、木材工业(lumber industry)、儿童文学(literature for children)的英文名称都以“L”开头。

    [4] “危险边缘”,美国最著名的智力竞猜节目。

    [5] 当时的美国人歧视爱尔兰人,因为绝大多数爱尔兰移民没有受过良好的教育。

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