"How long am I grounded?" he asked his mother.
"Lame and fantastic?"
"My dad's been making me go to taekwando since kindergarten… It was actually kind of a stupid, show-offy kick. If Steve had been thinking, he could have grabbed my leg or pushed me."
Plus nobody on the bus had ever seen anybody kick like that in real life.
But he wasn't really. The fight had changed something on the bus. Park felt less anxious now -- more relaxed. Maybe it was because he'd stood up to Steve. Maybe it was because he had nothing left to hide…
His eye went from purple to blue to green to yellow.
"Long enough to make you sorry about fight," she said.
# Park #
"It was pretty fantastic," Eleanor said on the way to school, a few days after he came back. "Where did you learn to do that?"
"I did."
"I thought you'd think it was lame," he said.
"If Steve had been thinking…" she said.
"Those are both your middle names…"
"I am sorry," he said.
"I want to try again."
"Try what again? Your Karate Kid thing? I think that would be less fantastic. You've got to know when to walk away…"