This was her mom's fault.
Richie's truck was in the driveway, but the whole house was dark, thank God. Eleanor was sure that something would give her away. Her hair. Her shirt. Her mouth. She felt radioactive.
If Eleanor were allowed to have normal relationships with boys, she wouldn't have felt like she had to hit a home run the very first time she ended up in the back seat of a car -- she wouldn't have felt like it might be her only time at bat. (And she wouldn't be making these stupid baseball metaphors.)
# Eleanor #
She and Park had been sitting in the alley for a while, in the front seat, just holding hands and feeling whiplashed. At least, that's how Eleanor felt. It wasn't that she and Park had gone too far, necessarily -- but they'd gone a whole lot farther than she'd been prepared for. She'd never expected to have a love scene straight out of a Judy Blume book.
她和帕克在巷子里停了一会儿,两人在前座手牵手,觉得如遭鞭笞。至少这是埃莉诺的感受。倒不是他们干了什么太出格的事,但比她预想中要出格。她并没有预期要上演茱蒂·布伦(115)小说里的场景。【注:(115)茱蒂·布伦(Judy Blume),美国青少年文学作家,经常探讨具有争议性的话题。】
Park must be feeling strange, too. He sat through two Bon Jovi songs without even touching the radio. Eleanor had left a mark on his shoulder, but you couldn't see it anymore.