下面就跟小编一起来欣赏双语名著·追风筝的人 The Kite Runner(9)的精彩内容吧!
Outside the orphanage, the next day, they ran out of chairs. A lot of people had to stand to watch the openingceremony. It was a windy day, and I sat behind Baba on the littlepodiumjust outside the main entrance of the new building. Baba was wearing a green suit and a caracul hat. Midway through the speech, the wind knocked his hat off and everyone laughed. Hemotionedto me to hold his hat for him and I was glad to, because then everyone would see that he was my father, my Baba. He turned back to the microphone and said he hoped the building wassturdierthan his hat, and everyone laughed again. When Baba ended his speech, people stood up and cheered. Theyclappedfor a long time. Afterward, people shook his hand. Some of them tousled my hair and shook my hand too. I was so proud of Baba, of us.
But despite Baba's successes, people were always doubting him. They told Baba that running a business wasn't in his blood and he should study law like his father. So Baba proved them all wrong by not only running his own business but becoming one of the richest merchants in Kabul. Baba and Rahim Khan built a wildly successful carpet-exporting Business, two pharmacies, and a restaurant.
When peoplescoffedthat Baba would never marry well--after all, he was not of royal blood--he wedded my mother, Sofia Akrami, a highly educated woman universally regarded as one of Kabul's most respected, beautiful, andvirtuousladies. And not only did she teach classic Farsi literature at the university she was a descendant of the royal family, a fact that my father playfully rubbed in the skeptics faces by referring to her as "my princess."
With me as theglaringexception, my father molded the world around him to his liking. The problem, of course, was that Baba saw the world in black and white. And he got to decide what was black and what was white. You can't love a person who lives that way without fearing him too. Maybe even hating him a little.翌日,在恤孤院外面,椅子没有来客多。很多人只好站着观看落成庆典。那天刮风,新建筑的大门外面搭了个礼台,爸爸坐在上面,我坐在他后面。爸爸身穿绿色套装,头戴羔羊皮帽。演讲当中,风把他的帽子吹落,人们开怀大笑。他示意我替他把帽子捡回来,我很高兴,因为当时人人可以看到他是我的父亲,我的爸爸。他转过身,对着麦克风说,他希望这座房子比他的皮帽来得牢靠,人们又大笑起来。爸爸演讲结束的时候,大家站起来,欢呼致意,掌声经久不息。接着,来宾与他握手。有些人摸摸我的头发,也跟我握手。我为爸爸自豪,为我们骄傲。