下面就跟小编一起来欣赏双语名著·追风筝的人 The Kite Runner(128)的精彩内容吧!
“I want you to go to KabuL I want you to bring Sohrab here,” he said.I struggled to find the right words. I’d barely had time to deal with the fact that Hassan was dead.“Please hear me. I know an American pair here in Peshawar, a husband and wife named Thomas and Betty Caldwell. They are Christians and they run a small charity organization that they manage with private donations. Mostly they house and feed Afghan children who have lost their parents. I have seen the place. It’s clean and safe, the children are well cared for, and Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell are kind people. They have already told me that Sohrab would be welcome to their home and--”“Rahim Khan, you can’t be serious.” “Children are fragile, Amir Jan. Kabul is already full of broken children and I don’t want Sohrab to become another.”“Rahim Khan, I don’t want to go to Kabul. I can’t!” I said.
“Sohrab is a gifted little boy. We can give him a new life here, new hope, with people who would love him. Thomas agha is agood man and Betty khanum is so kind, you should see how she treats those orphans.”“Why me? Why can’t you pay someone here to go? I’ll pay for it if it’s a matter of money.”“It isn’t about money, Amir!” Rahim Khan roared. “I’m a dying man and I will not be insulted! It has never been about money with me, you know that. And why you? I think we both know why it has to be you, don’t we?”I didn’t want to understand that comment, but I did. I understood it all too well. “I have a wife in America, a home, a career, and a family. Kabul is a dangerous place, you know that, and you’d have me risk everything for...“ I stopped.
“You know,” Rahim Khan said, “one time, when you weren’t around, your father and I were talking. And you know how he always worried about you in those days. I remember he said to me, ‘Rahim, a boy who won’t stand up for himself becomes a man who can’t stand up to anything.’ I wonder, is that what you’ve become?”I dropped my eyes.
“我要你到喀布尔去,我要你把索拉博带到这里。”他说。我搜肠刮肚,寻找恰当的词汇。我还来不及接受哈桑已然死去的事实。 “请听我说。我认识一对在白沙瓦的夫妇,丈夫叫约翰,妻子叫贝蒂?卡尔德威。他们是基督徒,利用私人募捐来的钱,开设了一个小小的慈善机构。他们主要收容和抚养失去双亲的阿富汗儿童。那儿又干净又安全,儿童得到很好的照料,卡尔德威先生和太太都是好人。他们已经告诉我,欢迎索拉博到他们家去,而且……”