下面就跟小编一起来欣赏双语名著·追风筝的人 The Kite Runner(141)的精彩内容吧!
“You COULD HAVE TOLD ME,” Farid saidlater. The two ofus were lying next to each other on the straw mats Wahid’s wife had spread for us.“Told you what?”“Why you’ve come to Afghanistan.” His voice had lost the rough edge I’d heard in it since the moment I had met him.“You didn’t ask,” I said.“You should have told me.”“You didn’t ask.”He rolled to face me. Curled his arm under his head. “Maybe I will help you find this boy.”“Thank you, Farid,” I said.“It was wrong of me to assume.”
I sighed. “Don’t worry. You were more right than you know.”HIS HANDS ARE TIED BEHIND HIM with roughly woven rope cutting through the flesh of his wrists. He is blindfolded with black cloth. He is kneeling on the street, on the edge of a gutter filled with still water, his head drooping between his shoulders. His knees roll on the hard ground and bleed through his pants as he rocks in prayer. It is late afternoon and his long shadow sways back and forth on the gravel. He is muttering something under his breath. I step closer. A thousand times over, he mutters. For you a thousand times over. Back and forth he rocks. He lifts his face. I see a faint scar above his upper lip.We are not alone.I see the barrel first. Then the man standing behind him. He is tall, dressed in a herringbone vest and a black turban. He looks down at the blindfolded man before him with eyes that show nothing but a vast, cavernous emptiness. He takes a step back and raises the barrel. Places it on the back of the kneeling man’s head.For a moment, fading sunlight catches in the metal and twinkles.
The rifle roars with a deafening crack.I follow the barrel on its upward arc. I see the face behind the plume of smoke swirling from the muzzle. I am the man in the herringbone vest.I woke up with a scream trapped in my throat.