教程:法律英语讲解  浏览:533  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
      让与的利益 benefit of cession

      让与权 benefit of cessioni

      设定义务的规则 rule of imposing duty

      设立、变更、终止民事关系:establish, change or terminate civil relationship

      所有权 ownership

      书面合同 a written contract

      双倍返还定金:repay the deposit in double

      双方法律行为 bilateral legal transaction

      擅自变更或者解除(民事法律行为):alter or rescind one‘s act arbitrarily

      他物权 right over the property of another

      提供一定的财产作为抵押物:offer a specific property as a pledge

      违反合同breach of contract

      委托代理:entrusted agency

      委托代理人:an entrusted agent

      无过错责任 liability without negligence

      无民事行为能力人:a person having no capacity for civil conduct

      无因管理:act as manager or provide services in order to protect another person‘s interests when he is not legally or contractually obligated to do so

      下落不明 one‘s whereabouts have been unknown

      限制民事行为能力人:a person with limited capacity for civil conduct

      享有连带权利的每个债权人:each of the joint creditors

      行使代理权:exercise the power of agency

      宣告为无(限制)民事行为能力人:declare … to be a person to be without or with limited capacity for civil conduct

      遗失物、漂流物:lost-and-found objects, flotsam

      以抵押物折价或者以变卖抵押物的价款优先得到偿还:to keep the pledge to offset the debt or have priority in satisfying his claim out of the proceeds from the sale of the pledge

      以合法形式掩盖非法目的:perform under the guise of legitimate acts which conceal illegitimate purposes

      以欺诈、胁迫的手段:as a result of cheating or coercion

      意思表示 show one‘s intention

      意思表示真实:the intention expressed is genuine

      优先购买的权利:a right of pre-emption

      优先权 priority, preemptive right

      有过错的一方:the erring party

      有连带责任的 conjunctly and severally

      有权向债务人追偿:have the right to claim repayment from the debto

      造成财产损失:cause any property loss

      责任能力 capacity for responsibility

      责任年龄 capacity of responsibility; year of discretion

      债的标的 object of obligation

      债的发生 creation of obligation

      债的消灭 extinction of obligation

      占有人有权留置该财产:the possessor shall have a lien on the property

      指定代理:appointed agency

      执行合同 carry out a contract, execute/implement/fulfill/perform a contract

      主要办事机构:the main administrative office

      追偿:claim compensation from


      上一篇:汉英法律专业词汇2 下一篇:法律英语口语900句 (1):保险


